Nose hair!


Senior Member
I have a battery powered nose hair clipper thangy. It works good. When I trim the right nostril all is good and comfortable but when i trim the left nostril it tickles, makes my nose itch and I dang near tear my nose off scratching. What say ya'll?


2023 TURKEY CHALLENGE 1st place Team
Wax it, no tickling, guaranteed


Senior Member
Hmmm, I have 2 of those battery powered nose and ear hair trimmers. Both make my nose itch during and after use I think its the vibration from the trimmers. But my nose doesn't itch nearly as bad as yours does after using the things. The nose is a sensitive body instrument.


Slow Mod
Staff member
Probably a defective trimmer. Try it on a Democrat and see if it matches up.


Senior Member
Man up and use some needle nose pliers….reach in there and grip down and snatch ‘em out.

Not joking.

The pliers on the Leatherman tools work just fine.
I pull them out when they show. I don’t want to get rid of them completely as I believe they have a purpose. Sticking a machine up there to mow them all down would be like running the A/C without a filter.


Senior Member
My wife gets annoyed when I put my Leatherman to work at a red light.

Without my dear sweet wife, I've become 'bout 2/3 feral. :rofl:

Lotta good grooming takes place at the red lights.

Been known to hit the beard with a comb as well as snatch a few of them offending nose hairs.

Sure makes for a good wakeup when those drowsy times occur behind the wheel.