One of the main reasons college ball is not as good as the NFL


Senior Member
Apart from the players not being as good, the schedule for the college teams is ridiculous.

All the top teams play maybe 2-3 games where they have a realistic chance to lose. I know it’s fun to watch Alabama or Georgia score 60-70 points against waffle state school for the blind but dang there’s no parody in the season.

At least in the NFL 14-15 out of most teams 16 game schedule they have a realistic chance to actually lose the football game.

Watching future accountants and insurance agents beat the crap out of some crappy directional girls school is not my idea of a fun Saturday.


Apart from the players not being as good, the schedule for the college teams is ridiculous.

All the top teams play maybe 2-3 games where they have a realistic chance to lose. I know it’s fun to watch Alabama or Georgia score 60-70 points against waffle state school for the blind but dang there’s no parody in the season.

At least in the NFL 14-15 out of most teams 16 game schedule they have a realistic chance to actually lose the football game.

Watching future accountants and insurance agents beat the crap out of some crappy directional girls school is not my idea of a fun Saturday.
Agreed,,,,Dawgs easy schedule,,,,


Senior Member
I like to watch NFL games but dang if the attitudes are ruining the league. Not only the attitudes but it seems most games are decided by the refs now.

All that aside, it's definitely grown man football!


Staff member
Pro football sucks.

I hope this helps.


Staff member
SEC is football period. If the NFL shutdown tomorrow it wouldn’t bother me a bit.


Senior Member
College football is getting terrible anymore

Too many rule changes at both levels taking the "sport" out of the sport


The Oracle
I like to watch NFL games but dang if the attitudes are ruining the league. Not only the attitudes but it seems most games are decided by the refs now.

All that aside, it's definitely grown man football!

I wonder why the owners don't agree to put a clause in all contracts that they MUST do this, that or the other - in order to be PAID. That would stop all the nonsense - instantly.

Would be like an "owners union" to counter the player's actions.

Sounds reasonable to me.

Just blackball them like they did colon nappy- nick.

If I'm signing the checks, they would do as I say or they won't get paid. And they would be shown the door. Just Sayin'

across the river

Senior Member
Apart from the players not being as good, the schedule for the college teams is ridiculous.

All the top teams play maybe 2-3 games where they have a realistic chance to lose. I know it’s fun to watch Alabama or Georgia score 60-70 points against waffle state school for the blind but dang there’s no parody in the season.

At least in the NFL 14-15 out of most teams 16 game schedule they have a realistic chance to actually lose the football game.

Watching future accountants and insurance agents beat the crap out of some crappy directional girls school is not my idea of a fun Saturday.

I personally had much rather watch college football, baseball, or basketball over its professional counterpart. Professional athletes being bigger, faster, and more gifted athletically overall, doesn't equate to better entertainment. Most NFL, NBA, or even MLB games are often boring just because of the lack of big plays, mistakes, swings in the score, etc...... Just because the Steelers "could have" beaten the Patriots the other night, didn't make the game fun to watch. There isn't much parody to the NFL, as you and I know both know the Cheifs and Patriots have a pretty high chance of getting to the super bowl, and the Dolphins and Colts don't have a chance. Not really any different than Bama or Clemson verses Wake Forest or Vandy. A least in college there are more exciting plays, even if the game is a blowout.

An as far as actually attending a game, the college atmosphere is waaaaaay better than that of a pro game. Actually the best "environment" for a professional sports are the MLS games, and I'm not a soccer fan whatsoever. If had to pick one over the other, I would pick NCAA football over the NFL every ay of the week and twice on Sunday.