Opened or closed?


Senior Member
I shoot with both eyes open. Pros and Cons of one closed or both open.

I feel like i can pick up more light with both open, therefor giving me a better opportunity in those low light situations.

What are your opinions?


One eye open 90% of the time.

The other 10% for when it gets really dark. Be careful switching back and forth in low light as your eyes may play tricks on you.


Senior Member
I shoot right handed and I am left eye dominant so, 1 eye closed.


Senior Member
I shoot right handed and I wear glasses.......normally I don't shoot with glasses on, cause they get in the way, etc., but when I shoot with both eyes open, all my shots go off to the right. I don't care how many times I adjust the sights, etc., they still fly off to the right. When I close my left eye, I hit the bullseye each and every time. Not sure what it means......but for me, I keep my left eye closed.


Senior Member
Both eyes open for me, unless its low light(then I do squint one, especially after it cost me a buck last year...non dominant eye took over because of the low light through the peep...don't make this mistake). You try and aim a lot more using only one eye, which can lead to target panic.


Senior Member
Both open for all shooting with bow/gun. After 6 years of shooting pistols competitively I naturally shoot both eyes open.


Resident Homesteader
Left eye closed. Right eye fully opened

Johnny 71

I still shut one, but I am practicing with both open

Bob Wallace

Senior Member
Although I'm left eye dominant and a right hand shooter I trained myself to be right eye dominant with both the bow and gun. I find I have a lot more capability to focus and pick up on the target whatever it may be, immediately after the shot


...just joking, seriously.
I pickup my correct sight pin with 1eye, then immediately open other eye to prevent the cross over to less dominant eye.
It has worked for me on 24 whitetails and one black bear.

Derek Snider

Senior Member
Right handed shooter, squint left eye, anchor and look through peep with right eye, after finding pin i open both eyes and settle the pin and pull through the shot.


Eye Devour ReeB
both eyes. for some reason my left arm holds the pin still with both eyes open.