Close Call For Tree Cutter!

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter
Watched some guys cut a huge live oak down recently and the young dude in the video had a very close call. He hadn't been doing this for long and was taking instructions from another guy below. They cut that massive tree down in 4 days. It was such an old, healthy tree, and had tiny acorns all over it. Dang shame to see it go, but dude selling the house said some of the potential buyers were concerned about it being so close to the house.

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Here's the tree they cut down.
Live Oak Tree Before Cut (June 3, 2024) (9).JPG
Live Oak Tree Before Cut (June 3, 2024) (6).JPG

Silver Britches

Official Sports Forum Birthday Thread Starter
I would have tore the house down first. You could build another one for what the electric bill will be losing that shade.
It made a difference for sure. Dude selling it said it has.


Senior Member
I hate to see those old live Oaks cut down. But I would not want that tree that close to my house either. Glad the guy in the pictures is okay.