opinions on joining the free masons.

White Horse

Old And Real Ornery

Your statement in red is weird to me. Which tells me a lot about you. You must think as white horse, that I am an ignorant 13 yr old. { Mathew 18-4 }
You are not a Christian if your a freemason but a tool for satan himself.
Please tell me what is a Christian.??

About 99 percent of all American Freemasons are Christians.

Your prolific Anti-Mason sites make the same old mistakes, or tell the same old lies, over and over.

First, they almost always claim that Masonry is a religion. Not true: Masonry is a fraternity, not a religion.

Next, they almost always claim that there is a single worldwide "boss" or "chairman" of Masonry. Usually they claim that the head of the Scottish Rite is the head of Masonry. Not true.

Next, they like to claim that "Baphomet" somehow plays a role in Masonry. In reality that term is not found anywhere in Masonry. Another falsehood.

These alleged Anti-Mason "preachers" either don't do their research or are liars. Either way they are counting on and profiting from the ignorance of their followers.

Don't take my word for it, however, do your own research. The book by Robinson that I cite above explains it all.


Senior Member
You folks are a poor excuse.
ya cant make anyone see if they are blinded by their darkness.
Have a nice whatever.........