pigs-2, Dendy-0


Senior Member
I went pig hunting last thursday at h'hatchee, my very favorite place to hunt hogs. I decided to try some new spots and cover some new ground so that i wouldn't be so limited at times when the wind wasn't just right, or when someone else has beat me to my spot etc, etc.
As soon as i dropped off in a small ravine i quickly found water and soon after i found fresh rooting. the freshest rooting has the hogs still in it and that's what i was looking for. In an hour or so, I heard some gruntin' and made a bee line to the source, a boar, not huge, about 60 lbs or so--- completely oblivious to my presence-- so i picked my spot, drew, released and CRAAACK! i I shot a scuplin vine about 2" in diameter that i had failed to see earlier between me and the hog . My nock was ejected from the shaft and it actually landed closer to the hog than my arrow did. The hog relocated...
NEXT- i was walking and pretty much daydreaming when i was snatched back to reality by a 3 foot copperhead. I guess my subconcious picked up on it and relayed that to my feet just in time for me to stop walking.... one more step would have put me well within striking distance...i showed him what an Ace hex head looks like up close and then i continued....
Around three oclock I found a series of ditches that had filled with water following the recent storms in that area. i skirted the ditches for about fifteen minutes when FINALLY- i saw the freshest of all rooting.... about 30 yds away was a big ole fat sow with her head down, shoveling away at the muddy gunk in the ditch.... It took me a few minutes to get the wind with me, but after getting right i started towards her. At about 15 yards or so I let one rip and heard a loud THWACK!!!!!!!!!! The sow went down with a loud squeal... i thought she was done and walked toward her... she stood up, and took off like she'd been fired from a cannon... Two things were evident 1) she didn't look 100% healthy, and 2) she didn't look like she was gonna stop anytime soon. I took up the trail- i found no blood but i did find my arrow about 20 yards from where she was hit- then i knew why there was no blood. my arrow struck her where the neck meets the shoulder blade, closer to the shoulder blade, and my arrow was stopped cold. I was shooting a MAgnus II, 125 Gr. from a 55# longbow...I've bent broadheads before, but never quite this bad.. Hogs 2, Dendy 0.
I have some good pictures to accompany this story, but i cant get them to load..... sorry.

robert carter

Senior Member
Good tale there Brother.I`m bout to get started after pork hard. My 3rd Turkey for the year is laughing and I`m ready for a BIGGER target.RC


Senior Member
I hear ya! I really wish I could get these dang pictures to load.... i got an error message, something like" i was missing a security token". I'm trying to do this from work, so that may be a factor.... I'll keep trying.

Barry Duggan

Senior Member
Hate you had so much bad luck, but it might calm Gurnie's nerves down a bit. He's wrapped pretty tight about his upcoming pig safari.


Senior Member
Great story Dendy! Better luck next time! At least you now have some new promising ground to think about.


Senior Member
Man atleast you got on some thats always a good day


Gone but not forgotten
Well thats was ah great story and I'm startin ta feel ah little better knowin that my huntin hreos RC and Dendy acually are human and are in ah rare case capable of missin like I do. Any hog within 15 yds of them boys better be thankin their lucky stars if thay aint hauled out in pieces. :D


Senior Member
Them boogers are tough!!!

At least you have been out, and saw stuff. That counts for more then anything else these days. At least you have their number and address!

Get back to them next chance you have, and stick um!


Senior Member
Hate you had so much bad luck, but it might calm Gurnie's nerves down a bit. He's wrapped pretty tight about his upcoming pig safari.

I know , man. But we're gonna take real good care of him..send him back North with some pig on a stick... he told me the other day that he was gonna start trainin' like Balboa- not a bad idea for a late August hog hunt.


Senior Member
I hear ya! I really wish I could get these dang pictures to load.... i got an error message, something like" i was missing a security token". I'm trying to do this from work, so that may be a factor.... I'll keep trying.

I got that message for awhile but I resized the photos and tried again and it worked.


Senior Member
I got that message for awhile but I resized the photos and tried again and it worked.

They were too large.:D Here ya go Dendy. You can narrate them 1 through 5.;)


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Barry Duggan

Senior Member
I know , man. But we're gonna take real good care of him..send him back North with some pig on a stick... he told me the other day that he was gonna start trainin' like Balboa- not a bad idea for a late August hog hunt.

Just close your eyes and picture him in training...running around, hair flapping in the breeze, looking like a Gurnish game rooster or something.:bounce: He did say Balboa and not Richard Simmons, didn't he?:eek:
A sauna filled with sketters and gnats might be a good start. Maybe add one hognose spreading adder for effect?:huh:
Yep, gonna be a mite warm come late August, but it's a wet heat.:D
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Senior Member
Good read dendy...now you keep goin and get all them slitherin critters:hair: killed before I get down there and slip around with you.


Senior Member
Just close your eyes and picture him in training...running around, hair flapping in the breeze, looking like a Gurnish game rooster or something.:bounce: He did say Balboa and not Richard Simmons, didn't he?:eek:
A sauna filled with sketters and gnats might be a good start. Maybe add one hognose spreading adder for effect?:huh:
Yep, gonna be a mite warm come late August, but it's a wet heat.:D

"a wet heat"! yep... when sweat starts drippin' off your nose as soon as you walk outside. Seriously, though, some of the best hog hunts i've been on have been around that time of year.... Clay Patton has taught me a great deal about hunting the ole' swamp pig, and one summer morning we had a hunt planned. When Clay showed up he was wearing more sweat bands that john Mcenroe. I should've been more open to that idea... he knew what he was doing.
ole' Gurn will be fine.... I told him that a thermacell might be a good idea and bring some lightweight clothing.... He's got him a new pair of UNinsulated rubber boots that we're gonna get muddy and some sharp broadheads that need some blood on them . I'm really looking forward to it just as much if not more than he is....

Barry Duggan

Senior Member
ole' Gurn will be fine.... I told him that a thermacell might be a good idea and bring some lightweight clothing.... He's got him a new pair of UNinsulated rubber boots that we're gonna get muddy and some sharp broadheads that need some blood on them . I'm really looking forward to it just as much if not more than he is....

Yep, ole Gurnie will do just fine. Not wanting to detour your thread anymore, so I'll shut up and let you get on back to telling pig stories. I did tell him he might need to cut a hole in the back of his pants to keep the gnats out his face. He said he was suprised you had not told him about that.


Senior Member
Great story, thanks for sharing. Wish I had hogs close by to hunt.