Planted again.


Senior Member
I planted some peanuts in between rows of corn I had up May 16. They were coming up good 24th. Went back this Friday and you might could find 10 peanuts in each plot. I had a few left so my grandson and I went back Saturday and replanted 4 spots. The deer had got on row of peanuts of the 1st planting and walked from one end to the other pulling them up and eating them. Farmers close to where we hunt put up a cross and hang shirts on them around edge next to woods to keep deer out. It gave me an idea and I improved their design. Went to dollar general and bought some balloons and bottle of Stetson . Put up our scarecrows and put a hat on top and then put long balloons for arms and soaked each shirt with Stetson. My idea for balloons was with wind blowing some the arms would move making deer think they were waving. Will go back Friday and see about tracks and soak shirts again.Screenshot_20200601-195154_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20200601-195204_Gallery.jpg

Jim Boyd

Senior Member
Yep, deer can be our own worst enemy!

Love the scarecrows!

Hope the UV does not kill the balloons.


Senior Member
Go to your local barber and tell him you want to collect all his cut hair trimmings and throw them on your plot. That will put the human scent out all over your plot and keep the deer at bay for a little while as well. That and a bag or two of milorganite might help as well.