Prayers for Briarpatch


Staff member
Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Anvil Head

Senior Member
Shake it off, the wood's are full of deer! Praying for the best Jimmy, heal fast.
My buddy in NC got a 325 bear two week ago. Would of been heavier but hadn't put on any fat yet.


Senior Member
Briar, you sound like my cousin David. He had it about like you and spent about 5 days in the horsepital. He did get out but covid is not something you get over vary fast. They have some good meds for it now and O2 is the big thing. You will be OK just something you have to go through. My 2 sister in laws had it and are doing fine. We are praying for you and the Lord listens to prayers.


Senior Member
Briar, you sound like my cousin David. He had it about like you and spent about 5 days in the horsepital. He did get out but covid is not something you get over vary fast. They have some good meds for it now and O2 is the big thing. You will be OK just something you have to go through. My 2 sister in laws had it and are doing fine. We are praying for you and the Lord listens to prayers.

Thank goodness O2 levels are up not fully but way up over yesterday.... able to breathe better too....

Got plasma this morning, antivirus stuff....several strong antibiotics and all kind of breathing treatments..... I think I am gonna be ok you said like the cat eating the grubbing hoe....slow gnaw!


Staff member
Man, glad to hear that you are productively fighting this crap! Keep us updated.


Staff member
Great news, keep on the mend.