Religion is for stupid people


Of the hard cast variety
The whole "judging others" thing is another one of those contradictions that to me, has the stench of man all over it.
As humans, we are wired to "judge". People, situations, benefit vs risk etc etc.
Its a defense/survival thing.
Now if God poofed us into existence he would know that because he wired us that way.
Its another one of those "now why would God make you that way then supposedly make the rule that you cant be the way he made you"?
Only man would come up with a rule that you cant do what you are wired to do.
Yes agreed.
Westboro Baptist can find enough scripture within the Bible to justify their actions the same as others use scripture to justify themselves and the points they wany to make.
40,000 Christian denominations and all the the others have it wrong.....priceless.


Senior Member
The whole "judging others" thing is another one of those contradictions that to me, has the stench of man all over it.
As humans, we are wired to "judge". People, situations, benefit vs risk etc etc.
Its a defense/survival thing.
Now if God poofed us into existence he would know that because he wired us that way.
Its another one of those "now why would God make you that way then supposedly make the rule that you cant be the way he made you"?
Only man would come up with a rule that you cant do what you are wired to do.

When God re-wires a person, then he is able. It's called a transformation. You go from a dead state to a live state in a moment of time. You are set at liberty to walk in newness of life. Someday I truly hope you experience this transformation. It will be a permanent life changer.

Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master
I am the same way, almost.

The difference here is that I used to believe in Unicorns(God), and then I started to not believe in Unicorns(God) based off of inconsistencies that I couldn't over look. I did the best that I could to research why what I once was SURE of was not adding up and the more that I researched the more I questioned. The more I questioned the more I researched until I hit the point where I learned the history of my religion and what I learned along the way did not seem god-like at all to me.

I had a friend who was an Engineer. He'd research an idea he had slap to death five times before he would ever start implementing the idea to attempt to bring it to fruition. By the time he got around to it somebody else had already done it and made five upgrades making his original idea obsolete.

He had a deeply religious mother and an abusive drunkard for a dad, so he had heard about God, been to church as a little boy, and decided he would read the bible start to finish to see if it was true and what this God thing was about. I told him that is not how it works, that the Bible is not a novel by Tom Clancy and that he most likely wouldn't find his answers by simply reading it like a set of instructions. He persisted anyway and after about 4 months had more questions than he did answers, sort of like researching one of his own ideas.

I once again explained to him that the Bible cannot simply be read to gain an understanding of God. I told him to look at it more as a two volume set. The first set is a history lesson that requires extensive research into the different periods of times and what the theologies of the regions were. An exercise in anthropology if you will, understanding the different cultures and how different characters from the Bible treated each culture and theological system differently in order to get the same message across to them. An age of persecution if you will.

Then I told him the second volume was instructional, which 90% of people miss, even most Christians. It is a story of redemption, sacrifice, salvation and a text book (if you will) example on how we should live and treat each other through. Tools such as mercy, faith, understanding, forgiveness were to be part of that message as well. I made sure he understood that society, both Christian and non-Christian has spent too much time focusing on the first volume and not near enough time focusing on the second, which is more instructional than the first. It even has a character in it that takes the lead and sets the example of how we should lead our lives and treat each other, and in true reflective fashion against society in the end he is persecuted by those insistent on following Volume I and brutally punished and murdered in a most horrible fashion.

I don't know if he ever went back and dissected the Bible in the manner I suggested, but he did end up marrying a beautiful Christian woman, having kids and living a less tumultuous life.

Research the old can be a good thing when done properly. Merely reading for instruction can be terribly time consuming and wasteful when the true answers lie in the design of the newer model concept.

If I am wrong about you, I apologize.
If I am right then hopefully you understand why I frequent here.

I am passionate about my God given rights guaranteed in our US Constitution. This is the only country in the world where our rights are granted by and guaranteed by our Creator and thus cannot be removed by any human. No other country in the world has this, and our Constitution even gives us instruction and tools, the means to right the ship should any men think them self more powerful than the Creator and able to remove these rights from our grasp.

I oppose anyone of ignorance or deceit that believes it is within their right to infringe upon mine. One of those is the freedom to worship my God, to which I will never infringe upon anyone's right to NOT believe or worship in a creator, as long as they do not infringe upon me and my families rights to worship.

Believe in a creator or not, I do not care, but do not ostracize, insult or attack those that do. It is an affront to them and a form of attack on their rights as Citizens of this unique experiment in Liberty and Freedom.

Not everything in life is a gray area, there are some definite black and white topics, and without conviction one may be lead to choose the wrong shade of truth.


Resident Homesteader
The early church was called “Christians” by the powers-that-be for the first time in Antioch (Acts 11:26). It wasn’t a name Jesus’ disciples gave themselves—it was a name given to them by the society in Antioch.

It changed to mean Christ-like

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”
The key is why where they called Christians?

What they do and don’t do determines what they are. I haven’t called them anything. I said simply they’re not following Christ if they’re promoting hate. You are welcome to call that judging if it pleases you.

Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master
The whole "judging others" thing is another one of those contradictions that to me, has the stench of man all over it.
As humans, we are wired to "judge". People, situations, benefit vs risk etc etc.
Its a defense/survival thing.
Now if God poofed us into existence he would know that because he wired us that way.
Its another one of those "now why would God make you that way then supposedly make the rule that you cant be the way he made you"?
Only man would come up with a rule that you cant do what you are wired to do.
Or only man could pick and choose what parts of the Bible he chooses to use as a weapon and ignore the important parts. Those that put more faith in the Old Testament than they do in their Savior and his instructions for how to live life have a harsh reality to face come the day of judgement.

Men are inherently fallible. This goes for non-believers as well as believers. To set oneself on a pedestal in either case is a deadly mistake, where eternity is concerned.


Senior Member
Miguel Cervantes, post: 11370744, member: 28230"]Or only man could pick and choose what parts of the Bible he chooses to use as a weapon and ignore the important parts. Those that put more faith in the Old Testament than they do in their Savior and his instructions for how to live life have a harsh reality to face come the day of judgement.

Men are inherently fallible. This goes for non-believers as well as believers. To set oneself on a pedestal in either case is a deadly mistake, where eternity is concerned.
I can go along with that.
But for me its not that cut and dry.
We also know that man pick and chose what went in the Bible to begin with.
With man's penchant for choosing weapons and ignoring important parts …….


Resident Homesteader
I can go along with that.
But for me its not that cut and dry.
We also know that man pick and chose what went in the Bible to begin with.
With man's penchant for choosing weapons and ignoring important parts …….
Just an observation here, “judging” is used to loosely in this case by someone with motives of nothing but continuing to attack the Christian. Bullet is free to do that if it floats his boat.

I do believe it was you that made some form of a comment in another thread that you wouldn’t lump scum of the earth with WBC? Yet it is only the Christian that becomes judgmental by saying they’re not following Christ by promoting hate.

Anyone that can see Christian in what thise folks do really needs help, even just for the sake of being stable in a society.

Jack Ryan

Senior Member
Obviously not.
Proof, there are more freaking stupid people in this country than EVER BEFORE and they are MORE STUPID THAN EVER BEFORE, yet religion is on the decline.

Therefore I propose stupid people are disinclined toward religion.

Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master
I can go along with that.
But for me its not that cut and dry.
We also know that man pick and chose what went in the Bible to begin with.
With man's penchant for choosing weapons and ignoring important parts …….
It would be interesting to read all of the original texts before they were parsed down again and again and again.............


Resident Homesteader
The early church was called “Christians” by the powers-that-be for the first time in Antioch (Acts 11:26). It wasn’t a name Jesus’ disciples gave themselves—it was a name given to them by the society in Antioch.

It changed to mean Christ-like”
Think about that and why they called them Christians and see if applies to someone that promotes hate (y)


Of the hard cast variety
Believe in a creator or not, I do not care, but do not ostracize, insult or attack those that do. It is an affront to them and a form of attack on their rights as Citizens of this unique experiment in Liberty and Freedom.
Believe in Liberalism, The Democratic Party and Unions or not, I do not care, but do not ostracize, insult or attack those that do. It is an affront to them and a form of attack on their rights as Citizens of this unique experiment in Liberty and Freedom.

Is that that any different than what you are saying about believing in a Creator??

Should the same rules apply in the Political Forum??


Of the hard cast variety
Think about that and why they called them Christians and see if applies to someone that promotes hate (y)
Ok, so that cancels them out AND 99.9 % of every other person that identifies themself as a Christian.
Don't think hate is the only factor, there are dozens of other qualities and commands which you and most others are unable to adhere to.

Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master
Believe in Liberalism, The Democratic Party and Unions or not, I do not care, but do not ostracize, insult or attack those that do. It is an affront to them and a form of attack on their rights as Citizens of this unique experiment in Liberty and Freedom.

Is that that any different than what you are saying about believing in a Creator??

Should the same rules apply in the Political Forum??
Show me where the liberal, democrat and Union platforms conform with the Constitution and we'll talk.


Of the hard cast variety
Show me where the liberal, democrat and Union platforms conform with the Constitution and we'll talk.

Since you use the Constitution as your guide for proper forum etiquette. I will use the same to guide me..

It has often been seen on the Internet that to find God in the Constitution, all one has to do is read it, and see how often the Framers used the words "God," or "Creator," "Jesus," or "Lord." Except for one notable instance, however, none of these words ever appears in the Constitution, neither the original nor in any of the Amendments. The notable exception is found in the Signatory section, where the date is written thusly: "Seventeenth Day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty seven". The use of the word "Lord" here is not a religious reference, however. This was a common way of expressing the date, in both religious and secular contexts. This lack of any these words does not mean that the Framers were not spiritual people, any more than the use of the word Lord means that they were. What this lack of these words is expositive of is not a love for or disdain for religion, but the feeling that the new government should not involve itself in matters of religion. In fact, the original Constitution bars any religious test to hold any federal office in the United States.

Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master

Brother David

Senior Member
Miguel remember that the Jewish leaders crucified our Lord over political differences and called it blasphemy . Matthew 24:10 states that many will offended , many betrayed and offered up in the latter days . Stay strong your Brother in Christ !!!!

Miguel Cervantes

Jedi Master
Miguel remember that the Jewish leaders crucified our Lord over political differences and called it blasphemy . Matthew 24:10 states that many will offended , many betrayed and offered up in the latter days . Stay strong your Brother in Christ !!!!
I make have no compunction of where I stand on my faith or the foundation of this country's documents. Those that acted in a manner that lead up to Jesus crucifixion were also addressed by Jesus as the least among us. Heretics and Pharisees prevail to this very day and how they should be dealt with has not changed in 2000 years either. The least tolerable in my eyes are the Pharisees, those that know the letter of the Bible inside and out, pretending to be theologians and using it for a weapon against those that do not deserve their misplaced wrath. They are the most damaging in the cause for Christianity, not the non-believers. Even Jesus recognized that those multitudes he fed with a fish and a loaf of bread were only there for the sustenance he provided, but cared nothing for the salvation he offered, thus why he left them before daylight. Their intentions were not of his true offering.


Of the hard cast variety
That's cool. Start a thread in the political forum if you wish to debate this subject and I'll join in complete with the foundation of how our Constitution and it's contents were formed and who the contributors were.
We already covered that in here years back.