saw a new bird


Senior Member
I got a bird feeder out the front door that I can watch from the recliner in the living room.
I have seen all kinds of birds roost and feed out there.
Today a medium size hawk landed. I had never seen one like it before so I googled it.
I believe it was a red shouldered hawk. I have seen the red tails and what I think was a coopers but never this type. Seen an owl a time or 2.
It flew down and caught something in the tall weeds and then flew into a tree and I lost sight.


Senior Member
I tried with my phone, I couldn't get a good image. Zoomed in all the way but it was fuzzy. And you couldn't really make out the color.
It was smaller than a redtail, had a pretty much orange/rust colored body and bars on its tail.
When I googled " orange hawk" I got a red shoulder and it looked like it to me.
I assume its local since I'm mostly hardwood bottom land so I hope it hangs around.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
I tried with my phone, I couldn't get a good image. Zoomed in all the way but it was fuzzy. And you couldn't really make out the color.
It was smaller than a redtail, had a pretty much orange/rust colored body and bars on its tail.
When I googled " orange hawk" I got a red shoulder and it looked like it to me.
I assume its local since I'm mostly hardwood bottom land so I hope it hangs around.

You just described a red shouldered hawk.


Senior Member
Yep, we have had a pair in the neighborhood the last few years and they nested next door last year. We never see them more than 2-3 months at a time and then they move on. Nature's way of controlling over predatation I guess.

I generally see them both at the same time, but never close to each other...always in different trees. But a pair nonetheless.
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