Special Edition


Senior Member
Reading and looking at pictures of The Captain's Cafe, Crooked Creek and the Adventures of the Ol Captain is one thing but experiencing some of these things in person is quite another! To me, it is like going to college online to get a degree. In my opinion, there is no substitute for attending school on campus.
My guest today was the ever-popular Daryl Way. Daryl has been following our posts for some time but I sensed he might have the itch to pursue and experience this part of his education away from the computer. After enjoying a wonderful lunch with several of our common friends (some are very common) we proceeded to the Captain's Quarters to take a tour and see things firsthand.
We had an awesome visit and we left the dock wearing dry clothing and thankfully returned in the same fashion! It was a pleasure hosting Daryl today and my hope is that he will return soon to Crooked Creek!




Senior Member
Captain , I use cross that bridge on a motorcycle trail riding many moons
ago. Back when it was undeveloped ...Also put a jon boat in at that bridge and paddle to the rapids up yonder. I was around 8 yrs.old with my dad.
I grew up on that part of Sinclair. He taught me how to shoot a pistol
on that creek. Also, something interesting ....we found a Confederate
Graveyard in that area and an old Ammo Depot/Battery made of Granite .
A;ways wondered what happened to the Ammo Depo. Anyways enjoyed
your post as u can see. LOL