STOLEN GUNS! From Bass Pro parking lot!


Senior Member
I had 2 guns stolen from Bass Pro parking lot in Gwinett last night. (11-30-09) Ruger 308 walnut stock blue finish with a Leupold vari-xII 3x9x50 and a Benelli Vinci 12ga with the max-4 camo. My truck -white 03 Cheverolet crew cab Duramax- was parked out front in broad daylight, from about 1:00pm to 5:00PM. My passenger side door was pryed from the bottom of the lock. Do not think that if your doors are locked you are safe!


Senior Member
I hope you made a police report.


Senior Member
going around

there is alot of that going around in Gwinnett Co. My truck and the truck next to mine were broke into in broad daylight in Snellville. They took a range bag with ammo and some other stuff, but completely missed my Sig220 that was under the console.
Your right, a locked door does not mean your stuff is safe!


Senior Member
man that sucks. get a report on them


Senior Member
Bass pro has cameras! get em!


Senior Member
My wife always scolds me when i leave my deer rifle in the truck just never think these things will happen.


Senior Member
Men I hate a thieves. yea basspro should have cameras ! Good luck n I hope they get that Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ----Edited to Remove Profanity ---- !!!
Hunt'em hard or no hunt at all !!!


Senior Member
If our country had public hangings for crap like that your guns would be safe in an UNLOCKED truck


Senior Member
Stolen guns!

Gwinnett county is not what it use to be its a cess pool.Its a good place to get shot,robbed or carjacked.I usually like to have my dogs in the truck.They do like the Arabs they romove hands of Theives.Yep your stuff is hardly safe anywhere anymore!!!

david w.

Senior Member
i think they need to move that bass pro shop to eatonton:cool:

david w.

Senior Member
never mind we dont want the traffic and thiefs they can keep it

Ruger Redhawk

Senior Member
Believe me it happens everywhere. Last Feb(09) we went to Walmart in Raleigh NC. We went in the store maybe for 45 minutes. Got back to the truck and put everything in the back.It had been raining and was in the low 30's. The wife goes to get in the truck and says the window is broken out.They reached in hitting the glove compartment taking a pair or Steiner binoculars. In my center console they grabbed my Garmin GPS.They never opened the door. On the back floor board I had a couple hundred dollars worth of tools they never found.
The good lord was looking out for these thieves. If I would have caught them I would have ended up in jail for killing them.
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I have the same truck and somebody did the same thing to me. Lucky my alarm went off before they got in my truck. The door handle on the driveside under the hand, it look like they used a flathead to get in it.


Senior Member
Not that it will help stop the problem, but it is entertaining to me to do this. Gift wrap your garbage or fill up a computer box with it and leave in the back of your truck. I never saw anyone stealing it, but it would always disappear at walmart. Works really well around Christmas.


Senior Member
Good Idea

Good idea. I think I will do that next time I go to Macon. I also think this would be a great idea for a video. I'd love to see a video titled "Garbage Stealing Garbage". Might add some dog droppings to the present as well. :biggrin2:

Not that it will help stop the problem, but it is entertaining to me to do this. Gift wrap your garbage or fill up a computer box with it and leave in the back of your truck. I never saw anyone stealing it, but it would always disappear at walmart. Works really well around Christmas.


Senior Member
Good idea. I think I will do that next time I go to Macon. I also think this would be a great idea for a video. I'd love to see a video titled "Garbage Stealing Garbage". Might add some dog droppings to the present as well. :biggrin2:



Senior Member
This has been a known problem at Discover mills for a loooong time. I worked there 7 years ago and sometimes 5 cars would get stolen on a weekend. Gwinnett went south real fast!