Tiger Woods to have season-ending knee surgery


Senior Member
This guy is an amazing athlete...a genetic freak.

Tiger Woods to have season-ending knee surgery

AP - Jun 18, 11:40 am EDT 1 of 4 Golf Gallery Tiger Woods is done for the year, but not without one last major that capped off a painful 10 months.

Woods said Wednesday he will have season-ending knee surgery, revealing he has had a torn ligament in his left knee since last July.

And he suffered a double stress fracture of his left tibia while preparing to return to the PGA Tour last month, which forced him to miss the Memorial and was the source of his pain at Torrey Pines when he won the U.S. Open.

“Now, it is clear that the right thing to do is to listen to my doctors, follow through with this surgery and focus my attention on rehabilitating my knee,” Woods said in a statement on his Web site.

He had arthroscopic surgery April 15 to clean out cartilage in his left knee, bypassing ACL surgery with hopes it could get him through the 2008 season. But going 91 holes for his 14th career major made it impossible to play any longer.

Woods was last seen in public late Monday afternoon walking with a pronounced limp across Torrey Pines toward the parking lot, the U.S. Open trophy in his arms.

Upcoming surgery makes his 14th major title even more staggering—despite the stress fractures, he managed to win a U.S. Open that required five days of flinching, grimacing and a long list of spectacular shots that have defined his career.

“Although I will miss the rest of the 2008 season, I’m thrilled with the fact that last week was such a special tournament,” Woods said.

He played only seven times worldwide this year and won five of them. He will miss a major championship for the first time in his career and will not be available for the Ryder Cup in September.

It will be the third surgery in five years on his left knee, although Woods said doctors have assured him the outlook is positive. When asked Monday if he further damaged his knee by playing in the U.S. Open, Woods said, “Maybe.”

Doctors have told him, however, that the stress fractures will heal with time.

He did not say when he would have surgery.

Woods is ultra private with his health and personal life, never more so than at the U.S. Open. He never mentioned the torn ACL or the stress fracture, and wouldn’t say how he was treating it, only that it was more sore as the week went on.

Perhaps the biggest surprise was when the injury first happened.

Woods said he tore the ACL while jogging at home after the British Open last July. He chose not to have surgery and went on a run that included seven consecutive victories, including the Dubai Desert Classic in Europe and his Target World Challenge, an unofficial event.

He did not play overseas late last year for the first time since 2003, hopeful that rest could allow him to play more this year. But the pain intensified through the Masters, where he finished second, and Woods said the cartilage damage developed from the ACL injury.

What he didn’t anticipate were the stress fractures, discovered as he tried to get ready to play in the Memorial.

“The stress fractures that were discovered just prior to the tournament unfortunately prevented me from participating and had a huge impact on the timing for my return,” Woods said. “I was determined though, to do everything and anything in my power to play in the U.S. Open at Torrey Pines, which is a course that is close to where I grew up and holds many special memories for me.”


totally true

when a fans yells "you the man"


Senior Member
and just think folks were saying he was milking the injury for sympathy

Having had the same injury, I could tell he was milking it a bit. He wouldn't even grimace on a good shot, but let the ball go in the rough or a bunker and he would play it up a bit.

With that injury you can swing the club maybe 20 or 30 times pain free, and then it hits you. It is the anticipation of whether this swing is the swing that is going to send a bold of lightning throug your body that is the problem.

What Tiger now has to be concerned about is how much bone to bone contact was made and the resulting arthritis.

Still, it was a tournament for the ages!

Local Boy

Senior Member
Saw in the paper that the oddsmakers were refunding bets that Tiger would win 2 majors this year. I realize there must have been a stipulation that he would compete. But, if you were playing the odds, you should take your lumps. Betting is almost like a gamble....wait, it is gambling.:confused:


Senior Member
A recent study

A report came out earlier in 2008 about what stresses artificial knees the most.
Tennis was third; jogging was second; swinging a golf club was first and put enormous stress on the forward knee. That would be the left knee for righties.

Having played sports with a few broken bones, Woods amazed me that he played with a bum knee and a broken leg. How Tiger could drive with that leg is more than amazing?


Senior Member
Having had the same injury, I could tell he was milking it a bit. He wouldn't even grimace on a good shot, but let the ball go in the rough or a bunker and he would play it up a bit.
I think you have your cause and effect backwards. The shots that he would grimace most on are the ones he would really go after and try to pound. Well those also tend to be the ones he hit bad because he was trying to do too much.

The entire weekend I wondered why he didnt just take one extra club and not swing so hard, but I also realize that he needed to hit the ball just as he would normally in order to get consistent results.

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