

Senior Member
Moose is right!!! I know that rack is bigger than it looks in the pic's, your big grins make it look smaller.;)

I loved the texts you sent to RC who forwarded them to me. At first I thought they were from last week and you were talking about that first buck and wondered why Robert was sending them so late.:bounce: I then checked the times and put 2&2 together. I can hardly wait to see the video footage you will have put together this season. Guess you better go get you an Alabama license now, they have a January rut you know.:)


Senior Member
Here I am seeing nothing but small bucks and no does and you're killing everything in the woods.lol Killin big bucks too! I am happy as can be for you though. Wish I could come down and hunt with ya'll but just can't.Ya'll have fun down there.


Senior Member
WOW...you are on fire man! Congrats!

Jayin J

Senior Member
Man, that is awesome! This has been a great year for you, no doubt!!! Keep em comin'

Jake Allen

Senior Member
Awesome Chris! I am proud for ya!


Senior Member
I am proud for you chris, thats another great buck. Cant wait for the footage.

rapid fire

Senior Member
WoW! Good deal Brother. Now bring down them does. I can't wait till' this video of y'alls comes out. Please include some video of y'all using the woodpecker drill as well. Y'all make it sound easy, but mine wears me out.

gregg dudley

Senior Member
Thought I posted a response from my phone, but I must not have. Probably just as well as it would have been deleted and had me kicked off of gon! :) Congratulations on a well earned and justly deserved trophy. Few people put in the time that you do.


Senior Member
Thats how you do it Chris, congrats bud. Very nice buck or bucks I should say. Your on a role man.

Apex Predator

Senior Member
You'll prolly have a 150" 12 pointer under your stand for 2 hours next hunt that you don't have a tag for! Please get some video for us!

Robert Warnock

Senior Member
Great job!! You work hard and it shows.