UPDATE Free Thanksgiving Country Ham.


Senior Member
Been one of those tough years for our family, but if you sit down and think hard there's still a lot more positive to be thankful for than negative.

Don't put me in the drawing because I had my turn already a year or two ago. I can attest, the ham is delicious, thanks again KYDawg.


Been one of those tough years for our family, but if you sit down and think hard there's still a lot more positive to be thankful for than negative.

Don't put me in the drawing because I had my turn already a year or two ago. I can attest, the ham is delicious, thanks again KYDawg.
The bacon and sausage and ham steaks are to die for,,,,Quack sent me some,,,,delicious,,,,


Keeper of the Magic Word
Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends and we seem to always have a house full.


Senior Member
Just thankful my family is relatively healthy.

Our traditional Thanksgiving family meal will somewhat somber this year. My brother was killed in a boating this past March, so I’m sure it will be a sad time for us, without him being there.

Thanks Boss!


Staff member
I am thankful for my family. My mama is fixin' to be 87, still kicking and feisty. My wife is an angel for putting up with me for 25 years. My son is a Devil Doc attached to a Marine combat unit at Camp Lejeune. I have three good sisters. And a good stepson. Two healthy grandkids, and a bunch of fine nieces and nephews. I ain't much worth it.


Staff member
Just thankful my family is relatively healthy.

Our traditional Thanksgiving family meal will somewhat somber this year. My brother was killed in a boating this past March, so I’m sure it will be a sad time for us, without him being there.

Thanks Boss!
I hate to hear that.


Gone But Not Forgotten
Just thankful my family is relatively healthy.

Our traditional Thanksgiving family meal will somewhat somber this year. My brother was killed in a boating this past March, so I’m sure it will be a sad time for us, without him being there.

Thanks Boss!

Duff, I hate to hear that. Retain the memories on a part of him will always be with you.


Deer Farmer Moderator
Staff member
I am thankful to be alive and able to enjoy the love of my dear wife and family. What could be a better blessing than 8 grandchildren?

Thanks for continuing the ham tradition.


Political Forum Town Crier
I am Thankful for my wife who has been by my side for 17 years, my family, and friends!

I am thankful for My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that he has blessed me and gives me strength everyday!

I am thankful to be a American and UGA Bulldog!

I am thankful for our Brave men and women of the US Military, Firemem, & Police who keep us safe Everyday...God Bless You!

But when I lost my Grandma February 14, 2018 (92) holidays are very hard and I guess they always will be without getting to see her and Grandpa (who died December 2000).

But I know I will see them again one day and they are always with me in my heart, dreams, and prayers!

I am also thankful to be able to hunt and fish and enjoy God’s Great Creations!


Executive Chef at Billy's Bistro
I’m thankful for the friends I’ve made, the people I’ve met. Thankful for the bond of like minded folks that I’ve never met in person. As well as the ones I have. The times we live in we meet peeps on the web and talk to even more than family.the times are a changin lol


Only the man above knows and can understand the tears that I have shed over the last year. WE are a thankful bunch. Thanks for this KyDawg- I hope someone deserving gets this ham and displays it out for the world to see!


“Well Rounded Outdoorsman MOD “
Staff member
Most of all I am thankful for my family , also very thankful for this forum and all the good folks I’ve had the pleasure to meet and share our hobbies and lives with , attended a fish fry not long ago and got to sit down and eat and spend the afternoon with a great crew and a cool little dog named Max , even had the pleasure to meet Kmac A couple times !!! Thanks for your generosity !!!