Useles Billy said #1192 times he don’t need no tracking dog

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Captain Gut Hook !


Captain Gut Hook !
@oops1 is a loving kind of feller,,,,,,,


Captain Gut Hook !
Buncha guest in here this mornin


Captain Gut Hook !
Whats up Scrappy!

sea trout

2021 Turkey Challenge Winner 2022 biggest turkey ?
top ah da marnin!

sea trout

2021 Turkey Challenge Winner 2022 biggest turkey ?
Y'all GONna have dissun ova soon!!


“Fishal Spokesman” Useles Billy Club !
We would shove a 20 penny nail in one end of a corn cobb and 3 chicken wing feathers in the other if that is what you speak of?

Not quite. We would cut a strip of hazel, long straight and about the size of an arrow. Cut cross slits at the end and put in card from a cigarette packet for flights, tie em in at the end with string.

Cut a circular notch just below the flights to take a piece of string wrapped around with a knot in the end. Run the string down the shaft of the arrow and hold it along with the arrow. Throw the arrow and whip the string through on the follow through so the whiplash effect really gets the arrow moving.

Great fun.
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