Walmart now hiring Walmartians

Baroque Brass

Senior Member
Picked up a few things today at Walmart and one of the employees was an older woman with pumpkin orange hair, a tackle box face and tats to spare. At least she wasn’t wearing pajama pants and fuzzy slippers. Many of their employees now look like circus freaks, I guess they have to hire anybody they can.


Senior Member
I was in Walmart a few days ago and the employees were complaining that they were short handed and that management said they couldn’t find anyone to hire.
So I’m sure they are scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Senior Member
Picked up a few things today at Walmart and one of the employees was an older woman with pumpkin orange hair, a tackle box face and tats to spare. At least she wasn’t wearing pajama pants and fuzzy slippers. Many of their employees now look like circus freaks, I guess they have to hire anybody they can.
Been to a hospital as an inpatient lately? She would fit right in with some of the medical techs.

Baroque Brass

Senior Member
I was in Walmart a few days ago and the employees were complaining that they were short handed and that management said they couldn’t find anyone to hire.
So I’m sure they are scraping the bottom of the barrel.
With that one, they were. Many of the Shenequas and Monteriouses aren’t much better. There was a time when employees had to be clean cut. I remember bag boys at the piggly wiggly being required to wear white shirts and ties. Postal employees had to look professional too.


Senior Member
Quit going to Walmart completely at the beginning of the plandemic , from what I hear they've only gotten worse since then, anything they have I can find elsewhere, from a better company ! if people would start voting with their dollars we'd be rid of them and maybe a better company would take their place ? Walmart is decidedly un-American with its current management !


Senior Member
I dont care what they look like as long as they dont stop me to check my receipt. I'm trying to get out of there and I obviously dont have a TV set hidden in my top pocket.