What is the most you owed Uncle Sam?


Senior Member
About 4K or so a few years back. Normally I get 4K back, so I was a bit chagrined.
What happened was when another company got our contract (happens a lot in gub'mint contracting) and we were rushed into a room to fill out paperwork and told we could ask questions later (pass the bill and then find out what's in it?) :LOL: and long story short the new company wasn't taking enough out of my taxes! :( It happened to be a year when the tax forms/laws/procedures changed a bit, so it was the perfect storm for a few employees taking it on the chin.


Senior Member
I didn’t file estimated taxes for a year and ended up paying only around $20,000.

I had the money saved in my tax account I just didn’t bother filing quarterly.

IRS didn’t like it but they didn’t charge me any extra.


TCU Go Frawgs !
267k last year.

More back in the day before I retired.

edit: I started think about the numbers and went back and checked. Them years all be running together.
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Senior Member
Wish I knew an account that’d deliver $13k of interest on a $75k deposit. Strange how elected politicians and alphabet agencies do so well in this dicey environment.


Senior Member
Man, that would be scary knowing the State Dept. was informed about it. They get to do things that no one else in this country is allowed to do. And they are allowed to keep it a secret from everyone else too. :censored::censored:


Senior Member
My total tax bill is usually 30-40k.
I, nor Wifey, have not withdrawn any 401k funds this year. But I do have timber income.
I’m hoping my total tax bill is lower this year.
But since I’ll be paying others tuition bills it may not be.