WI Hunting


Senior Member
Looks like a Southerner will be headed north during deer season to hunt WI for the very first time (I've never even been in WI before). Archery. In the southern zone of WI, but just barely. The middle of Oct. Due to the kindness of a sort-of-stranger. Thoughts and tips?


Senior Member
Try to get a hold of some video or pictures of the deer in WI. They are much larger than the deer here in the South. A few years back I took a friend up there and he shot the first doe he saw because he thought it was sooo big. It weighed in at 100#. Now that is a good doe for someone along the coast of GA, but by WI standards it was considered small.
Be prepared to dress in layers. October in WI can be hard to figure out. It could be in the 60's or 70's or you could be freezing your butt off. Take a good rainsuit because you will most likely encounter some rain.
The deer will not be in rut in October. According to my 2 brother-in-laws, they see most of their deer just before dark. That doesn't mean they don't see them other times of the day. If you can find a good scrape line near a food source that will be your best bet. The bucks will be working those scrapes and also bulking up for the pending rut and colder weather.
Hope this helps. Good luck.


Senior Member
Thanks for the info.

I'd been told that the middle of Oct wouldn't be the rut. Not too worried about that. I'll be hunting farm edges primarily. Hardwood ridges and bottoms around alfafa fields and other ag fields. Most has very little hunting pressure. I'm planning to hold out for a buck until the last day or so. I've been watching video of WI deer; their bodies can make the antlers look not that impressive. It doesn't look like 200 lb bucks are all that uncommon.

I'm not hunting with an outfitter - this guy is a friend and local who has permission to hunt several pieces of property. He's done all the scouting and put up the stands. I'm really starting to get excited about the trip. :banana: :banana: :banana:


Senior Member
I use to live in WI

I lived in WI for a couple of years and I found the hunting to be great - the WI residence were pretty nice too. I hunted in the S.E. part of the state and the West Central part of the state. I have been back there three of the last five years but I always go the first week of November. The weather can be unpredictable - one thing you will probably have more wind than you are use to in GA. Good luck and if I can be of any assistance please PM me.