WMA opening delay


Senior Member
Next year they are proposing not opening turkey season on WMA's until the second Saturday in April. No qoata hunts, youth hunts or anything until the second Saturday in April. This was in an article in GON


Senior Member
If they keep talking about crap like this and it will be like the 2 duck hunters in Tn.Had a run in with a feller last year about hunting spot more than once it almost got very bad quick.He did not like the fact I was hunting there but he could not seem to get up in time to beat me to the spot.
Can't be any worse than last spring's Covid season. There were hunters behind every tree!

I think the pressure on our club gave our birds a chance to live. They moved to surrounding land that gets little to no hunting pressure. From what I can tell the turkey population is looking better than last few years around here, still aint great.


“Well Rounded Outdoorsman MOD “
Staff member
That want happen state would lose to much $$$$$ On hunting license/WMA stamps,
Not as much if they are all gone ! Also Wma stamps are no more , hunting license is all you need ! They actually saving us money


Senior Member
That should make everyone happy ?

It would make me happy if it was the answer to more turkeys, but I predict this theory will be debunked in a few years.

Where I live in the mountains there are 10's of 1000's of un-hunted wilderness area acres that are also experiencing a down cycle. Hunting is NOT an issue.

Habitat improvements and predator control is the ticket to more turkeys.
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Senior Member
Well, if this new president we got get his way ain't none of us hunters gone be hunting legal anymore. He gone try take all our rights away that involve firearms and archery. They putting in all kinda crapp legislation thats going too effect carbon arrows and amo . And still going too try and tax us then wants too take any firearm anyone has by Fed officers. OH well turkeys should be back in a few years and then some type of disease will kill em all from over population. Yes the birds needs some help and we all should be thinking of our future as hunters and what we've all had as american hunts. We don't need too let them take our heritage away. Yes there's folks getting firearms that haven't be raised too respect them. GOD help us. We best not forget what he has BLESSED US with for so many years. MAY GOD BLESS OUR USA and all of our wildlife.


Senior Member
What they in Washington don't understand is the Constitution has a 2nd Amendment that states "THE RIGHT TO & SHALL NOT BE infringe,WE THE PEOPLE OWN THE GUNS and from my COLD DEAD HAND THEY CAN TAKE THEM,Then and only then.


Senior Member
Why Delay the opener ONLY on WMA land / Why do Public land Hunters lose opportunities especially when WMA Land makes up less than 5% of the land in Georgia?

I do not support this idea at all. If it is good for WMA land it should be good for Private land too.


Senior Member
Why Delay the opener ONLY on WMA land / Why do Public land Hunters lose opportunities especially when WMA Land makes up less than 5% of the land in Georgia?

I do not support this idea at all. If it is good for WMA land it should be good for Private land too.

Bc they can make these changes without having to go through legislation.