A question for believers


Senior Member
What if I or Bullethead or Walt said in our next post "I heard the voice of God. I'm certain of it." Would you rejoice? Would you tell us to go see a shrink? Would it depend on what He said to us? What if we said it was Allah?


Senior Member
What if I or Bullethead or Walt said in our next post "I heard the voice of God. I'm certain of it." Would you rejoice? Would you tell us to go see a shrink? Would it depend on what He said to us? What if we said it was Allah?
I would probably move on to the another thread, but don't let my skepticism deter you.


Senior Member
I would probably move on to the another thread, but don't let my skepticism deter you.
That's a really interesting response.


Gone but not forgotten
What if I or Bullethead or Walt said in our next post "I heard the voice of God. I'm certain of it." Would you rejoice? Would you tell us to go see a shrink? Would it depend on what He said to us? What if we said it was Allah?
You haven't each said that dozens of times? (Rhetorical ?)


Gone but not forgotten
I meant right now. I suppose as an exclamation of "Re-Conversion". How would you take it?
With the caveat that you are asking me to guess, or prophesy, the future; my first reaction would probably be to wait for the anticipated troll showing itself, as experience has shown that it will. If that became doubtful I would start gleaning for evidence that my current belief, that re-conversion is conceptually impossible, is incorrect.


Senior Member
With the caveat that you are asking me to guess, or prophesy, the future; my first reaction would probably be to wait for the anticipated troll showing itself, as experience has shown that it will. If that became doubtful I would start gleaning for evidence that my current belief, that re-conversion is conceptually impossible, is incorrect.

Thanks for your honest and serious answer.


I meant right now. I suppose as an exclamation of "Re-Conversion". How would you take it?

Playing "what if" with God, or by extension a form of something that is His as in a chess game (what if I make this move, or that...what might the result be?) may be a thing with which none of us is unfamiliar.

Hummerpoo and Gem speak well to the matter of hypotheticals. I could be very wrong (but that doesn't matter, at all) I interpret their well speaking (and by extension...grasp) of the hypothetical in concept as a thing, or tool of use to their science for the testing of their science as having been revealed to them as not strongest of complement afforded them in Jesus Christ. At least when dealing with other "things".

It is (to me, anyway) not that "what if" is always, or never of any use...or even, by any means... "off limits". "What if", in the context of reasoning with God I am persuaded, may indeed help through wonder to deeper conviction. (That may lead to even deeper wonder!)
But such reasoning together with God as "place" entered becomes, over experience, progressively less (all are as free to disabuse me, as I am to assert) far less of "what will your next move be...I wonder" than "who are you?" Who am I relating to? How...are you? How are you the you...you are?

(I wonder (!) "if" any find this sensible before their science of God that the very return of that last question above, into themselves, is not only heard, but proven salutary?)

Your question I don't deride, I am glad for it. The asking of "what would your move be" if I said "I heard from God"? Is a blunt way of asking "who are you guys, now?" But I don't mean blunt as in obtuse or in a derogatory fashion. I think it's a help.
The "what would you do...if..." may help a man see and consider "how he is". Whether the question seems to come from "on high" or even seems to come from somewhere else...it may still help a man to hearing himself asked..."how are you the you...you are?"

In times past, I am persuaded, some have viewed the scriptures and their relation to them (by certain calling themselves believers) as a thing sought to fit into. I think this notion is not foreign to what may, to such a time, prefer to call itself unbeliever. Seeing it (and them...contained) not unlike a playbook a team is given to memorize and learn...and conform to that they might find their proper "place" on the team. A sort of nothing more than "trying to do" the Bible.

But the Bible is full of men who had absolutely no idea what they would do "if". They had to find out.

"If" you heard the voice of God, I have no more idea of what I "would do" than I could be sure you would even "say so". I most rarely even know what I would do, should do in hearing what I believe to be His voice. Till...I do. All my own surmisings remain just that. Makes me ask "what sort of man am I"? And I find...just like any other...not knowing the "if" and my response to it "till".

And suppose such a man were able to say he has never found one right thing in his doing? I have boasted like Goliath...till. I have sworn like Peter what I would do...till.
I have rebuked rebels like Moses...till. I have eaten like Adam...till. I have thought I have known myself...till.

And I see many many men...just like me. Only one stands out in His meeting of the "if" and the "till".

I cannot make you change your science anymore than I can change my own. What I believe I am able to say, I do. Both your science and my own will remain until.

I "even" believe sight of the resurrection has imparted some understanding, and that may be shown to be my very greatest presumption...of all. I cannot know until.

What I think I know...always shames me. Who knows me...however...

But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements

I really don't know any or all that any other man might do when he discovers how thoroughly known of God he is. Your question prompts me.

"If" being known of God seems in any way less than sufficient...such a man is remaining in the "seems"...even till...now.
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Resident Homesteader
What if I or Bullethead or Walt said in our next post "I heard the voice of God. I'm certain of it." Would you rejoice? Would you tell us to go see a shrink? Would it depend on what He said to us? What if we said it was Allah?
Depends on what you described as “hearing”.

Is it audible as the way you and I would communicate at the gas pump? Being that God is a spirit, my initial thought would be as others have said.......”trolling”


Of the hard cast variety
Playing "what if" with God, or by extension a form of something that is His as in a chess game (what if I make this move, or that...what might the result be?) may be a thing with which none of us is unfamiliar.

Hummerpoo and Gem speak well to the matter of hypotheticals. I could be very wrong (but that doesn't matter, at all) I interpret their well speaking (and by extension...grasp) of the hypothetical in concept as a thing, or tool of use to their science for the testing of their science as having been revealed to them as not strongest of complement afforded them in Jesus Christ. At least when dealing with other "things".

It is (to me, anyway) not that "what if" is always, or never of any use...or even, by any means... "off limits". "What if", in the context of reasoning with God I am persuaded, may indeed help through wonder to deeper conviction. (That may lead to even deeper wonder!)
But such reasoning together with God as "place" entered becomes, over experience, progressively less (all are as free to disabuse me, as I am to assert) far less of "what will your next move be...I wonder" than "who are you?" Who am I relating to? How...are you? How are you the you...you are?

(I wonder (!) "if" any find this sensible before their science of God that the very return of that last question above, into themselves, is not only heard, but proven salutary?)

Your question I don't deride, I am glad for it. The asking of "what would your move be" if I said "I heard from God"? Is a blunt way of asking "who are you guys, now?" But I don't mean blunt as in obtuse or in a derogatory fashion. I think it's a help.
The "what would you do...if..." may help a man see and consider "how he is". Whether the question seems to come from "on high" or even seems to come from somewhere else...it may still help a man to hearing himself asked..."how are you the you...you are?"

In times past, I am persuaded, some have viewed the scriptures and their relation to them (by certain calling themselves believers) as a thing sought to fit into. I think this notion is not foreign to what may, to such a time, prefer to call itself unbeliever. Seeing it (and them...contained) not unlike a playbook a team is given to memorize and learn...and conform to that they might find their proper "place" on the team. A sort of nothing more than "trying to do" the Bible.

But the Bible is full of men who had absolutely no idea what they would do "if". They had to find out.

"If" you heard the voice of God, I have no more idea of what I "would do" than I could be sure you would even "say so". I most rarely even know what I would do, should do in hearing what I believe to be His voice. Till...I do. All my own surmisings remain just that. Makes me ask "what sort of man am I"? And I find...just like any other...not knowing the "if" and my response to it "till".

And suppose such a man were able to say he has never found one right thing in his doing? I have boasted like Goliath...till. I have sworn like Peter what I would do...till.
I have rebuked rebels like Moses...till. I have eaten like Adam...till. I have thought I have known myself...till.

And I see many many men...just like me. Only one stands out in His meeting of the "if" and the "till".

I cannot make you change your science anymore than I can change my own. What I believe I am able to say, I do. Both your science and my own will remain until.

I "even" believe sight of the resurrection has imparted some understanding, and that may be shown to be my very greatest presumption...of all. I cannot know until.

What I think I know...always shames me. Who knows me...however...

But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements

I really don't know any or all that any other man might do when he discovers how thoroughly known of God he is. Your question prompts me.

"If" being known of God seems in any way less than sufficient...such a man is remaining in the "seems"...even till...now.
We all play "What If" every second of every day in everything we do. Certainty is never.


Senior Member
What if I or Bullethead or Walt said in our next post "I heard the voice of God. I'm certain of it." Would you rejoice? Would you tell us to go see a shrink? Would it depend on what He said to us? What if we said it was Allah?

There's also this
matter of fruits. Don't you agree?

..."by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another"
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Senior Member
Although you asked believers......
I would be more inclined to believe you or Bullet than a Christian based on I think you would exhaust most possibilities before being certain it was God.
Then I would get you an Uber to the nearest shrink :)


Depends on what you described as “hearing”.

Is it audible as the way you and I would communicate at the gas pump? Being that God is a spirit, my initial thought would be as others have said.......”trolling”

The question is very open ended...no?

But I don't think questions are, of themselves, less good or more evil till they are plumbed as fully as necessary to reveal their source.
But that is not "of us", is it?

That "as fully as necessary" thing.

The matter of assertion being "answered" by...question.

Well...I don't know if it's deep or the most very obvious thing to everyone, that I am (as most retarded of all) just beginning to glimpse as "operation".
So, as admittedly just beginning in glimpses, not knowing at all if such operation (which I am persuaded is not "off limits" as found in many encouragements) but is then, no less, matter "of necessity".

So my appeal comes in question. Anyone have light on this to help? I ask in the temple believing rebuke is no less set to our establishment than all other. I need exposure of motive.


Although you asked believers......
I would be more inclined to believe you or Bullet than a Christian based on I think you would exhaust most possibilities before being certain it was God.
Then I would get you an Uber to the nearest shrink :)

But...would you "go with them"...to the shrink? Or just send them?


Senior Member
But...would you "go with them"...to the shrink? Or just send them?
I would just send them.
If they were certain it was God they might start blasting me with scripture and what a nightmare of a ride that would be :)