What tomato variety are ya'll planting this year?


Senior Member
We built our "forever" house and moved in in 2018. Our house sits on nine acres that was literally carved out of a mature timber stand, tall pines in the front and mature hardwoods in the back. I'm not a serious gardener but I've almost always had a small plot with tomatoes and peppers. Since moving here I've tried various locations around the house but the problem has been not enough sunlight because of the trees. This year I think I've finally found a small spot that will provide 6 to 8 hours of strong sun once the sun settles into it's summertime path across the sky. So, I'm thinking a couple of Better Boys as I've always had good luck with them and I'd like to do a couple of heirlooms too. Either Cherokee Purple or Carbon. I've grown CP and love them but I'm kind of curious about Carbon, anyone grown them? And I'll probably plant a couple of Romas for salsa and then Jalapeno and Serrano for the peppers. Any thoughts?


The Oracle
Standard Big Boy and Better Boy.
They taste the best to me and put out sandwich slicing size tomatoes.

If I had more sun, I would put out some kind of Cherry or Grape Tomatoes.


Senior Member
What kind is very acidic? I like the ones that will pucker you up.


Senior Member
kind of curious about Carbon, anyone grown them?
I grew them a couple of times, decent size (baseball or larger,) very juicy, and a good flavor, can't really describe. Not acidic and the "true" tomato taste but good.

My favorite is Cherokee purple, they just don't produce enough per plant.
I like Rutgers and celebrity. And Sweet 100s for cherries.

I used to start a bunch from seeds and try them out. Just got tired of having to bring them in at night and put them out for sun.
Now I just buy a flat of a couple varieties.

I say try as many as you can find or grow and just keep track of what you like. Kind of like figs, cant have too many varieties.

Cool Hand Luke

Senior Member
For anyone who lives near west Cobb county, there is a guy selling Cherokee purple/brandywine cross plants on GON classifieds. Bet those are tasty!
(it's not me)
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Senior Member
Better Boys and sweet 100's salad tomatoes.


Goatherding non socialist bohemian luddite
I'll add this in here too for what its worth. Ive had much better results ever since i started growing more determinate varieties. They just hold up better.


Senior Member
I have never grown Determinate varieties, hear they are easier for salsa and canning as they come in all at one time .
Do they taste good also? I like a acid tomato taste.

I'll add this in here too for what its worth. Ive had much better results ever since i started growing more determinate varieties. They just hold up better