Slaughter of the Innocent


Senior Member
This is life, we remorse and we move on. There is nothing anyone can do to bring them back. We can sit and remorse or we can stand behind something such as 2nd amendment. If we lay around and remorse long enough when we get done then the right could be gone. You mentioned you were in the military so I presume you would have certain rights we wouldn't regardless of what laws were passed

Very Well Said

Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
Something certainly must be done. And it must be extreme. This cannot continue.

Hopefully it's time for the pendulem of morality in America to begin a swing into the other direction. So that people will stop killing people for no reason.

It's time for parents to see the forest and the trees...... If your child has a life-difficulty, don't hide it or pretent it's of no affect to other people.
When school administrations know that a student is totally withdrawn from the others, something must be wrong, and it must be addressed(whether the parents want to or not).

Gun owners must be forced to be more responsible. Guns should not become a recreational activity in a family that has a person with personality/developmental disorder.

Gun ownership is a right, and should always be a right, but doesn't mean a person has a right to have several automatic pistols and military style combat arms in a home where anyone can have access to them.

Fathers need to stop saying, "I'm not worried about my sons. I've taught them to be responsible so I'd trust them with a gun anywhere". Please. Your teenagers aren't half as smart as you might think they are. Mine weren't.

This issue goes far beyond "my" rights.
This is the time for all gun owners to be reexamining their gun safety habits. Are they secured well enough? If my 13 year old gets angry, does he have access to my extremely dangerous firearms?

All of these children were shot at least 4 times. Some of them 11 times.
This young man should have been involved in serious treatment, and this young man should not have had access to such dangerous killing machines.

Those on this forum are all intellegent, responsible gun owners. But the other half of America are not.
Something's gonna be done, someone better be making some good suggestions.

I've never "owned" a military arm, but I've had many many issued to me. Sorry, but I believe military arms belong in the military.


Staff member
I've read many of the threads and posts and they all seem to have a commonality and it is a shocking.....but not surprising....focus on protecting gun rights and railing against those who would do something to alter our gun owner laws.

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue." Goldwater, Barry

The enemies of the Constitution and liberty have already stolen a march on us. You of all people should know what that means.;)

There isn't a single good hearted American who isn't revulsed by this mendacious atrocity. There isn't a single patriotic American who is going to lie down and roll over for our government when they come for our guns and they are coming for them. The two have nothing in common except for the fact the government is using this atrocity to steal our liberty.

While we fully grieve and lament this monstrosity there is no reason we can't still stand resolutely and give full-throated objection to the usurpation of our Constitutionally protected right at the hands of a rogue government turned tyrant. There is certainly no excuse for people who claim to be "free".

If that sentiment somehow makes me "evil" then I revel in my evilness.

"Sic Semper Tyranus"

"Thus Always (to) Tyrants" (Virginia state motto)

"Live free or die" (New Hampshire state motto)

Thank you for your service. :flag:


Senior Member
Hopefully it's time for the pendulem of morality in America to begin a swing into the other direction. So that people will stop killing people for no reason.

It's time for parents to see the forest and the trees...... If your child has a life-difficulty, don't hide it or pretent it's of no affect to other people.
When school administrations know that a student is totally withdrawn from the others, something must be wrong, and it must be addressed(whether the parents want to or not).

Gun owners must be forced to be more responsible. Guns should not become a recreational activity in a family that has a person with personality/developmental disorder.

Gun ownership is a right, and should always be a right, but doesn't mean a person has a right to have several automatic pistols and military style combat arms in a home where anyone can have access to them.

Fathers need to stop saying, "I'm not worried about my sons. I've taught them to be responsible so I'd trust them with a gun anywhere". Please. Your teenagers aren't half as smart as you might think they are. Mine weren't.

These all sound like great solutions. How about some different tests for purchasing a firearm?


Polar Bear Moderator
Touchy on both sides... hence the SBJ... people react to situations differently... the OP could be dead on although I disagree with calling my fellow forum members out. Put to gether a time line of who posted what and when and how many posts and were they sincere enough and well we will then have our answer. Ain't gonna happen and it shouldn't.... the fact of the matter is there have been PLENTY of posts displaying all kinds of emotions from fear, anger, disdane, hatred, compassion, and many others....but to sit in judgement of someones motives, or lack thereof, is in its self as callous as indifference. There will ALWAYS be posts about the fear of someone taking the rights we cherish, many a continuation of conversations that were in place prior to this tragedy....Everybody needs to take a chill pill and morn or rage in their own good manner... just don't tell me how I should react for I can assure you.. I have hit every emotion in the past few days....


Staff member
I've never "owned" a military arm, but I've had many many issued to me. Sorry, but I believe military arms belong in the military.

Perhaps a review of the motivation behind the 2A would be in order? The founders were very clear on what it means and why they provided it. Their reasons definitely apply to today.

By all means secure your firearms so they do not fall into the wrong hands for evil purposes, especially the government's.;)


Senior Member
I've never "owned" a military arm, but I've had many many issued to me. Sorry, but I believe military arms belong in the military.

Then you fail to understand the purpose of the second amendment. The founding fathers were not out to protect our right to hunt, they were out to protect us from a tyrannical and oppressive government, similar to the one they just finished fighting against.

Equip the citizens with pea shooters against a government's weaponry, and you may as well strip the citizens the right to bear arms at all.


Staff member
A bolt-action rifle is a military combat weapon. A lever-action carbine is a military combat weapon. A single-shot musket is a military combat weapon. So are revolvers and pump shotguns. All of these evolved primarily as military combat weapons and have been the top of the line in military armnament in their time. The old Winchester and Henry lever guns were the first military assault rifles. When the 2nd was written, the average civilian weapon was more effective than the military ones. That's why we are Americans instead of British subjects-civilians with more firepower than British troops.

These weapons aren't the problem-it's the moral breakdown of society and lack of empathy for fellow people that is the problem. There are sick, twisted people out there. Seemingly more all the time. How many did McVeigh kill with a truckload of fertilizer? Yes, I have the deepest feeling for those who died and their families. I'm a father too. I also want my children to grow up as citiizens of a free country, not as subjects of the government. It is unthinkable to me that anyone could do such a thing as this person did. It is also unthinkable to me that others will use a tragedy of this scope to further their political purposes. And that so many will be unable to see them doing it.
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Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
So, once again, the issue is everyone's 2nd amendment right rather than a solution to what's infected this nation for a decade?

If this is about 2amend defense against a government, we gonna need some nukes, cause small arms ain't gonna get the job done.


Deranged Throat-Puncher
If this many gun owners want to give up our gun rights were are all DOOMED. No gun law in the world is going to prevent a criminal from breaking a law. Why can so many people not realize that?


Senior Member
So, once again, the issue is everyone's 2nd amendment right rather than a solution to what's infected this nation for a decade?

If this is about 2amend defense against a government, we gonna need some nukes, cause small arms ain't gonna get the job done.

What exactly has infected the nation for a decade, specifically, that you feel tougher gun control will fix?


Polar Bear Moderator
I've never "owned" a military arm, but I've had many many issued to me. Sorry, but I believe military arms belong in the military.

"and Peter drew his sword and cut off his ear" the time... that too was a military weapon. The term assualt rifle has come to mean anything that looks ominous on TV....


Senior Member
I think we'll all be fine if we make it more difficult for nut jobs to acquire firearms. Does anyone have any opinions for teachers posessing concealed weapons in school? I think it would be a great idea if the teacher was proficient with the weapon and it was handled safely.


Senior Member
I am a father and a grandfather.

What is the approriate time? Is it after the Democrats have pushed through the legislation they have already introduced?

"...They can't grasp."? Again, puhleeze.

So just how many of your rights are you willing to give up? Pick a number.

Note to FBY: please read the above slowly and carefully.

The appropriate time, for those pushing for gun control and those claiming the end of owning firearms in the USA is definitely not now. For God's sake the bodies aren't even in the ground yet.

It isn't just this forum, but the "experts" being interviewed by our so called "news" outlets the day of the shooting. This story should never have been and should never be about gun control It should be about those innocent children who were killed in cold blood by a sociopath.


Staff member
So, once again, the issue is everyone's 2nd amendment right rather than a solution to what's infected this nation for a decade?

If this is about 2amend defense against a government, we gonna need some nukes, cause small arms ain't gonna get the job done.

I think many people are saying that we need a viable solution to the breakdown of human decency instead of more firearms laws. My question is, what causes these kind of people to want to kill large numbers of other people? It's disturbing to see it becoming a continuous thing. How do you arrive at a mass-murder mindset? What will prevent the formation of the mindset that I want to kill myself and take a bunch of other innocent people with me?


Staff member
So, once again, the issue is everyone's 2nd amendment right rather than a solution to what's infected this nation for a decade?

If this is about 2amend defense against a government, we gonna need some nukes, cause small arms ain't gonna get the job done.

Yes, that is always the issue.

The ash heap of history is full of tales about tyrannical governments. All of them become tyrants eventually. Ours already has. Most people just don't realize it yet and they won't until it's too late.

If small arms is all we are left with we will have to make up the difference with numbers. The ballot box is not going to help where we are headed. Just my humble, personal opinion.
When drugs were banned, criminals got them smuggled in or grew/manufactured them. And law-abiders are simply bystanders that get some collateral damage but definately aren't getting a drug-free country.

What do you think the criminals are going to do if mags are limited to 10 and Auto's are banned? Give you 2 guesses.

If we are to debate limiting the 2A, at least give me a reasonable scenario that will hold a little water.


Staff member
The appropriate time, for those pushing for gun control and those claiming the end of owning firearms in the USA is definitely not now. For God's sake the bodies aren't even in the ground yet.

It isn't just this forum, but the "experts" being interviewed by our so called "news" outlets the day of the shooting. This story should never have been and should never be about gun control It should be about those innocent children who were killed in cold blood by a sociopath.



Staff member


Staff member
If we are to debate limiting the 2A, at least give me a reasonable scenario that will hold a little water.

We get to have the same kinds of weapons as our government just to make it a fair fight. :flag: