Slaughter of the Innocent


Gator Bait
I've read many of the threads and posts and they all seem to have a commonality and it is a shocking.....but not surprising....focus on protecting gun rights and railing against those who would do something to alter our gun owner laws.
There are many posts regarding the lost lives of the victims. Apparently, you missed them. Please try again. When events like this occur, innocent gun owners become political targets and must defend their rights to own and possess their firearms.

That is the first and foremost subject and almost entirely the gist of these threads.
And your point is what?? That we should lay down our rights, allow the gov't to step on everything that is sacred and watch as some idiot goes off on other people with some other form of weapon? At what point do we say "people will do as they will regardless of laws, rules, regulations and rights of others"?

You should be ashamed of yourselves and ownership of GON and the moderators should take notice of this deplorable mindset.

This deplorable mindset, as you refer to it, is what has permitted us to have what few rights we still have.

I ask, what about the Slaughter of the Innocent that took place last Friday.
The sad fact is we can sit and cry as we watch the bodies being carried and yet, there is NOTHING we can do other than feel for the victims and families. What's done is done. We cannot go back and change the tide of events, now can we?

Where is the sorrow, the sympathy, the empathy for those lost little angels? It is not here that is plain to see.

So you don't think there is sorrow? I am a man of 47 years. I have a 5 year old daughter that I cherish deeply. When I heard of what happened, it tore me up as many of those kids were around my kid's age. I cannot imagine, for a single moment, what my life would be like if she had been a victim of this or something similar. I cannot imagine the horror of having to ID her body riddled with bullet holes. And, I would give anything, everything to prevent her from becoming one of those kids. Do I feel for those parents? Absolutely. Those poor, sweet kids running, trying to hide from the shooter, hearing the screams of their classmates, watching them fall in pain. Yea... I am sure I speak for everyone here and nationwide that we feel for them.

Where is mention made of these victims of gun violence, aged 6 and 7 years old as well as their brave teachers and staff who gave their lives to protect them?

You must understand that we, as parents and grandparents, uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters have considered it could have been people we know and love. We know the teachers did what they could and we all admire their efforts, both those who managed to get kids out and those who died trying.

It certainly can't be found here.

You are wrong. It is here. How do you know that many members didn't pray for those victims? Their families? How many members prayed for the salvation of the human spirit so this stuff would not happen again?

No, you guys and gals would rather sink back into your self-centered and indignant defense of what you call freedom.

Do you know what gazelle do when they have to cross water and they know the crocs are going to eat some as they cross and lions, tigers and other animals are waiting to attack them as they hit the other shore? They lunge forward and do their best to protect themselves from futher attacks.
This is the way all animals are programmed. People who are concerned about gun rights are trying to protect what they have left.
Rather than sit and cry over the lost ones, the herd gathers up and moves on. That's what we do.

So much hate,
Towards whom? Certainly not the victims.

so much fear among you and yet no words of kindness for those kids and their teachers who had to face that madman who was well armed and well supplied with ammo. They knew fear and you do not.
To the contrary, I'm sure everyone knows what those folks went through. To say we do not know fear is grossly wrong. How many members served in the military? While standing in the line of fire, you think they knew no fear? How many people have come close to dying from one thing or another and yet survived? And they knew no fear???

The staff? Well, the teachers were probably union members so they don't count.

You are completely out of line here. We may not like unions, but that is aimed at the organization, NOT the people. Yes, teachers are unionized, so what?? Do you think this makes them less human? Less caring??? My wife is in the union. Do you think I dislike her? {hint: NO.} I dislike the UNION. People are people, unoin or not

It is a well known mindset that so many of you condemn union membership as the realm of the lazy, the unskilled, the takers. Shame on you.
In your rant, and after looking over all the posts made, I did not see a single post about these teachers deserving this because they are union members.
Shame on you for not being able to actually understand what is being said

I am a gun owner, a hunter, a soldier, and I can feel the anguish and horror of what happened at Sandy Hook. Can you? From reading the comments in the many threads it appears as if you can't. Where is your humanity?

It has been laid out for ease of understanding.

Condemn me with will and if you get glee from that go grab all that you can. Label me with that most hateful and spiteful term "liberal". Capitalize that word if you would. I've seen it happen so many times before in here over the years so it will come as no surprise. If being a liberal.....I am not...means that I care for people, I shed tears for the needless Slaughter of the Innocent, that I believe that we can do Good Works then I wear the label with pride.

I think the only label that could be hung on you would not be liberal or anything like that. Instead, I would label you as one who assumes to know what people think without really knowing the truth. Some folks don't want to air their emotions over the internet. This makes them bad, uncaring, and unfeeling?? I don't think so. I bet many craddled their kids upon hearing of this tragic event.

Where is your feeling for the lost? Perhaps you've gotten in some other world and need to find a way out.

Or, perhaps, we now have more incentive to focus on protecting our kids.

Are more stringent gun laws the only answer? Certainly not. The cause is multi-faceted and complex and includes the unending violence that is found in movies and video games, the continuing wars with their horrendous casualties, abortion on demand for any and all reasons, the easy, casual and all too frequent use of language, "kill", "idiot", and other hate filled language from us up to and including nationally known politicians. There are, of course more; the list goes on far too long.

I am currently living in Canada. We have gun control here. Extreme gun control. You must pay for, attend and pass a series of tests before being allowed to apply for a P.A.L. {possession, acquisition license} and then, you have to pass local, provincial and federal background tests and, after that, pay for a a license. Even after all that, you can be denied and no money is given back. And, you went through all that for a long gun. If you want a handgun, it gets tougher and then, very few people are permitted to have hand guns. No one can have body armor, silencers or anything like that. Weapons of .32 or .25 caliber are forbidden. So are many long guns. And, guns are expensive as they are taxed out of reach for most people. A simple .22 rifle is easily over $700- and that's cheap.

Long gun registry { now repealled} made things harder.

When police are dispatched to a call, they are notified if someone at that address has a PAL. If you transport your firearm, you must first call to get permission to do so and you have to let the RCMP know what kind of weapon, manner of securing it, ammo count you are taking with you, where you are going, when you will return, reason for transport, vehicle ID, tags, driver and all other info and when you return, you have to call it all back in. At anytime, if they feel you did not do something right, you lose you firearms and PAL pernamently. There is no room for error, no grace of forgiveness.

This is gun control. What did it get us?? Few people have weapons. But, Vietnamese gangs, Filipino gangs, East Indian gangs, native indian gangs, and other gangs... they have the weapons. No PAL, not registered, not legal. There is no gun control for them.

We have people shot down in the streets of Vancouver, Winipeg, Toronto nearly everyday. People are being shot in hotels, restaurants, parks, on the streets, at home.

And this is how gun control works.-- IT DOESN'T

Where is your sympathy....empathy is probably not in your makeup, but certainly should be after all you are human.

Like I said- people don't want to to or cannot open themselves up for all the world to see, particularly strangers

Who among those that are reading this long post, and might agree with all or parts of it, is going to step up and voice at least some form of agreement? Are you there? Will you do it?

You'll find there is emotion here, but you will also find you've insulted a great deal of fine folks, too.

Moderators where are you? Reading? Listening? Perhaps being awakened by some of what I'm saying? You should be. GON is a huge, very influential site that has some pull and moral obligation to see what is happening and do what is right.

Ranting and raving and insulting others is not helping your cause.

But, while on the subject, what have you done to help the victims? Did you cry? Send them money? Would those two things help? Not really. If you want to do something, do the smart thing: protect yourself and your family. You must protect the right to own firearms.

A butter knife will do you no protection in a gunfight.

Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
I certainly don't believe any guns should be taken from anyone.
But there should be very special safety requirements for owning guns and storing guns when not in use.

This was very troubled young man who was able to get his hands on hundreds of rounds of highpower ammunition and semiautomatic weapons.
If his mother bought all that, she should be held responsible(if he hadn't shot her 4 times in the face).
If the father knew about the situation with the guns, he should be help responsible.
People have to learn(be taught) that dangerous weapons must be handled thus. Like a lite stick of dynamite.


So, once again, the issue is everyone's 2nd amendment right rather than a solution to what's infected this nation for a decade?

If this is about 2amend defense against a government, we gonna need some nukes, cause small arms ain't gonna get the job done.

How about training for the Teachers in self-defense and arms training for those that would be willing to defend their classrooms by force? But would that be enough? Whats your ideas other than Gun-Control?

Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
I think we'll all be fine if we make it more difficult for nut jobs to acquire firearms. Does anyone have any opinions for teachers posessing concealed weapons in school? I think it would be a great idea if the teacher was proficient with the weapon and it was handled safely.

I don't know? Maybe a totally lockdown of schools that are in session, with a deputy sheriff controlling the only entrance into the school building/yard.
These sorts of people don't want a "shootout". I don't think they'll confront a known armed person.
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Staff member
This was very troubled young man who was able to get his hands on hundreds of rounds of highpower ammunition and semiautomatic weapons.

I would remind you he didn't have access to those things until he killed his mother in cold blood and stole the weapons. No amount of laws could have stopped him. Like a dog with rabies he was out of his mind and didn't give right and wrong a second thought. He had no concept of right and wrong. He was psychotic (or pick your favorite psychiatric condition). One way or another he would have found the means and the way to execute his infamous crime. 26 children were stabbed in China in school last week. It wasn't the first time it happened in China. If the Chinese can't stop it, nobody can.

Neither his mother nor his father are responsible for his actions. He alone is responsible and now he will bear the consequences of judgement by a righteous God. May it be swift, sure and final. I begrudgingly offer a prayer for mercy on his behalf. That's the best I can do for him. God will judge me and me alone for that. Perhaps I can attone before I die. I'm not sure I'm up to it on this one.


Senior Member
I cried on hearing the news of this horror and I've cried a few times in between. There are people capable of killing 20 children in cold blood among us...and you want me to disarm myself ??

Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
If this many gun owners want to give up our gun rights were are all DOOMED. No gun law in the world is going to prevent a criminal from breaking a law. Why can so many people not realize that?

On this subject, we aren't actually talking about drug pushing criminals who are gang members and commit drive by shooting every weekend.
The subject is actually about a non criminal who suddenly decides that just because there's this huge powerful gun handy, and not secured, he'll go kill a bunch of people.
It's happened 6 or 7 times in the last 10 years.

Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
I cried on hearing the news of this horror and I've cried a few times in between. There are people capable of killing 20 children in cold blood among us...and you want me to disarm myself ??

Absolutely not.
Every able-bodied, mature, qualified person should be carrying. All the time. Every day.


Staff member
I don't know? Maybe a totally lockdown of schools that are in session, with a deputy sheriff controlling the only entrance into the school building/yard.
These sorts of don't want a "shootout". I don't think they'll confront a known armed person.

I don't have a problem with that but it's the same thing as putting an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. I posit a better solution is building a fence at the top. Mental illness became a "normative behaviour pattern" back in the 70's when Carter was President, all in the interest of individual liberty and most of them were set free. Now it is almost impossible to incarcerate and treat people who are mentally ill.

I'm not a big fan of depriving people of their liberty because one or two or three "shrinks" think they are crazy, especially in this day and age.

That being said, until we do something to get the kooks off the street I'm in favor of everybody being heavily armed at all times. That way fewer of us will die and more of the bad guys will.

Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
I would remind you he didn't have access to those things until he killed his mother in cold blood and stole the weapons. No amount of laws could have stopped him. Like a dog with rabies he was out of his mind and didn't give right and wrong a second thought. He had no concept of right and wrong. He was psychotic (or pick your favorite psychiatric condition). One way or another he would have found the means and the way to execute his infamous crime. 26 children were stabbed in China in school last week. It wasn't the first time it happened in China. If the Chinese can't stop it, nobody can.

Neither his mother nor his father are responsible for his actions. He alone is responsible and now he will bear the consequences of judgement by a righteous God. May it be swift, sure and final. I begrudgingly offer a prayer for mercy on his behalf. That's the best I can do for him. God will judge me and me alone for that. Perhaps I can attone before I die. I'm not sure I'm up to it on this one.

Disagree. Parents with a son who obviously has 'issues' should "ensure" their son never has the capability to misuse those dangerous guns. Evidence is now showing that she totally understood that things weren't well with him.


Senior Member
On this subject, we aren't actually talking about drug pushing criminals who are gang members and commit drive by shooting every weekend.
The subject is actually about a non criminal who suddenly decides that just because there's this huge powerful gun handy, and not secured, he'll go kill a bunch of people.

Ronnie there is no sane person on the planet that decides to kill a bunch of folks just because he can pick up a gun. If one wants to kill people you don't have to have a gun, pick up a world history book if you don't believe me , we have had guns in private hands our entire history as a nation and its only in my lifetime that they have been used to target children in mass killings...that says a lot more about us as a society than it does about guns. That being said we really need to table our gun control debates until we have buried our children ..I do finally agree with the President on something "Our Hearts are broken" ...may the Lord welcome these children home and grant peace to their families ..


Staff member
Disagree. Parents with a son who obviously has 'issues' should "ensure" their son never has the capability to misuse those dangerous guns.

OK. How?

Ronnie T

Ol' Retired Mod
We get to have the same kinds of weapons as our government just to make it a fair fight. :flag:

That'd be fine except for one important thing. The Military's arms are locked in a very secure armament until they're needed. They don't take um home.
I'm afraid many homeowners simply have theirs leaning in a corner, or on display.


Gator Bait
I would remind you he didn't have access to those things until he killed his mother in cold blood and stole the weapons. No amount of laws could have stopped him. Like a dog with rabies he was out of his mind and didn't give right and wrong a second thought. He had no concept of right and wrong. He was psychotic (or pick your favorite psychiatric condition). One way or another he would have found the means and the way to execute his infamous crime. 26 children were stabbed in China in school last week. It wasn't the first time it happened in China. If the Chinese can't stop it, nobody can.

Neither his mother nor his father are responsible for his actions. He alone is responsible and now he will bear the consequences of judgement by a righteous God. May it be swift, sure and final. I begrudgingly offer a prayer for mercy on his behalf. That's the best I can do for him. God will judge me and me alone for that. Perhaps I can attone before I die. I'm not sure I'm up to it on this one.

I agree with your post except one item: he shot his ma in the face. This means he had access to some firearm before he went all crazy and stuff.


Polar Bear Moderator
On this subject, we aren't actually talking about drug pushing criminals who are gang members and commit drive by shooting every weekend.
The subject is actually about a non criminal who suddenly decides that just because there's this huge powerful gun handy, and not secured, he'll go kill a bunch of people.
It's happened 6 or 7 times in the last 10 years.

Its happened all through history... the tragic thing is it will continue to happen, you just get it reported on the internet within seconds instead of days, months, years... You of all people should know the evil things that have been perpetrated on humans since the beginning of time, the 1st century church comes to mind...


Gator Bait

Combination gun safe. No keys on hand to steal. And, NEVER give the combo to a kid. That would be a start. Trigger locks with keys stashed in a smaller safe. Ammo in yet another small safe.

These would help. But when someone is bent on doing something, they will find other ways.


Polar Bear Moderator
Combination gun safe. No keys on hand to steal. And, NEVER give the combo to a kid. That would be a start. Trigger locks with keys stashed in a smaller safe. Ammo in yet another small safe.

These would help. But when someone is bent on doing something, they will find other ways.

Sooo... we need another goverment program to add a gun safe to the list along with a cell phone... And I know you are not advocating it, but that will be the inevitable result of what you ask....


Gator Bait
Sooo... we need another goverment program to add a gun safe to the list along with a cell phone... And I know you are not advocating it, but that will be the inevitable result of what you ask....

No, I wish we did not have to take measures like this so its not something I would want to be required. If it were, the costs of gun safes would triple overnight. But, if a gov't incentive were to be put it place, it wouldn't be a bad thing.


Senior Member
From experience I can tell you criminals won't wait for you to access and load a firearm during the commission of a crime. I know its not fair but then they are criminals...