What is wrong with this deer?


King Casanova
Yes, this is the same deer in all of your photos. Deer are so resilient when it comes to injuries.

I think that this young buck was probably involved in a vehicle/deer collision during the past couple of months as the wound area still looks somewhat new as it has not healed up yet. The protrusion that you see along the side is due to possibly a broken shoulder and also ribs. The broken bone/ribs are allowing this deer's insides to be forced through that opening in the chest/body cavity etc and that might end up being a problem with continued blood flow to that area and may be the ultimate demise of this deer.

It appears to be a younger buck that probably had just small antlers/spike even as the "knot area" for the missing antler shown is really small making me think that it was just a spike even.

It appears that your neighborhood deer love your property too. I also like the fact that you are using a WGI trail camera as well as that is the only brand that I use.

I look forward to see what others opinions here are as well.
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