Am I too late..


New Member
I hunt the northeast portion of Georgia, Calhoun to be specific. I've gotten a late start this year as my wife and I are welcoming our 3rd child into this world. Question is, am I too late to throw out some seed into my food plot. Have primarily practiced throw and mow method in the past few years with fairly good results and still have some patchs of existing Ladino clover still around. I have a bag of Pennington Rackmaster Fall Blend that I could put out. I know that I will be wasting some degree of seed but is there potential to have a mediocre turn out or should i just save the seed for next year? Thanks.


Senior Member
Not too late at all. Good luck!


Senior Member
Might as well throw it out. It’ll lose germination over the year it would sit if you save it.