Any one ever see a hen


Senior Member
do the injured act to lure something away? A buddy of mine in the Monticello area was walking out last wkend & came up on a hen in the road. He said she started hopping in circles ,run up the bank & fell back down. Then he saw the poults. He continued up the road & she kept carrying on like she was hurt while staying in front of him going up the road. This continued for several hundred yrds till he crossed the gate at which point she perked up ,made a circle & hurried back down the road,perfectly OK. I 've seen other birds do this, only twice, but would love to have been there w/ the camcorder!!

Guess thats why I love hunting so much, you get to see things most people never will.


I drove on on a hen and her poults in a foodplot last summer and she went nuts on me!

She came to the truck, ran circles around it making some awful racket I've never heard before. I got out of the truck to take pics and she squared off and came straight at me! :hair:

On one her many circles around the truck and as I snapped pics from 10 to 12 feet away, she picked up a mushroom with her beak and threw it in the air at least 6 feet! I assume this was a show of strength on her part and an effort to get me to retreat?

After two minutes or so of this deafening chatter/alarm putting............she flew into a tree right above the truck. Then a hawk dove in and tried to snatch her off the limb! She then flew back down and went back to running circles around the truck in an effort to draw me away from her kee keeing poults over in the brush.

Yep...........the old hen all but rode my head like a yard hen protecting her chicks! :rofl:


Staff member
Man! I would have loved to have seen that.
My only similar experience was stalking what i thought was a gobbler but turned out to be a hen fanned out. she started curling her fan like a wave over and over. When she spotted me she made a putt and took off running with poults i never even noticed till then running behind in single file.


Senior Member
A couple of years ago when we were in Kansas we were moving on a Gobbler that we had seen from the Road. We drove past and parked and then worked our way through a Dry Steep Banked Creek Bottom to setup on the Gobbler. When we were about 150 Yards from the Gobbler and working our way toward the Stubble field that he was in we jumped a Hen from her nest and she immediately popped up and then hit the ground dragging one of her wings like she was injured. Once she was a short distance away we saw the nest full of eggs and moved off so she could return. Needless to say with all that commotion the Gobbler disappeared. The Guy I was hunting with harvested him the next day!


wooooohooooooooooooo !

I drove on on a hen and her poults in a foodplot last summer and she went nuts on me!

She came to the truck, ran circles around it making some awful racket I've never heard before. I got out of the truck to take pics and she squared off and came straight at me! :hair:

On one her many circles around the truck and as I snapped pics from 10 to 12 feet away, she picked up a mushroom with her beak and threw it in the air at least 6 feet! I assume this was a show of strength on her part and an effort to get me to retreat?

After two minutes or so of this deafening chatter/alarm putting............she flew into a tree right above the truck. Then a hawk dove in and tried to snatch her off the limb! She then flew back down and went back to running circles around the truck in an effort to draw me away from her kee keeing poults over in the brush.

Yep...........the old hen all but rode my head like a yard hen protecting her chicks! :rofl:

that is an expeience of a life time too me .....I woulda loved too seeen all that live !!!!! ........................................................................................................................I ran across a couple hens yesterday myself .......seems they like the road fer some reason !!!!!
Seen it before. Pheasants do it as well...I used to raise them and had them in a big aviary type pen and some of the hens i let sit on their eggs. Mostly i would collect them up twice a day and incubate them to hatch them out. Two of the hens was really aggressive about their nests so i let them sit on their eggs and they both hatched a bunch of chicks. One of the hens would act wounded every time i went inot the pan in an effort to lure me away from the chicks.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
I walked into a bunch of biddies once like that, and the old hen went ballistic on me. All the biddies, just melted into the ground and froze in place. I had to back out real slow so as not to step on any of em. Neat thing to see!