Bass catching expectations for big lakes/reservoirs

tree cutter 08

Senior Member
I don't like to fish as much as I use to. If I'm not catching fish regular I'm going to do something different or quit. Someone else mentioned above, bites come in waves. I'll agree with that. I live bait fish on big lakes. If I'm bass fishing and I don't catch around 5 or more a hour I'm not gonna stay interested long. I like the catching more than the fishing now days.


Senior Member
Artificial baits only for me , I fish Sinclair only , expectations , on a average day I hope to catch 5-10 a day with 1-2 over 3 lbs . The key word is HOPE , but I still enjoy the 1-2 fish days because its a learning experience every trip . If you are gonna fish big lakes then don't try to compare success you have with someone fishing in a pond or private lake using lie bait , thats just another game all together , like trout fishing a wild river vs using corn at Buford dam . You will find out if you enjoy fishing when you go after bass in these conditions , its not for everybody .


Senior Member
Opps I meant striped bass

Is there even a gentleman’s club in Hartwell?
HA! There used to be one on the waterfront by a ramp, way up the Keowee river. Never many people there, figured the Strippers were fat. Amazed i never had my truck broken into there.