Club Needs 2 Members For Rome Ga Lease


My answer

Your math has to be wrong because you don't know what I bid on the lease ? $8.00 is the minimum bid, so do you think I bid the minimum on anything I want to actually get, not likely.
Anyway the web was posted and the info on the web stated:
1) This tract would only support 4 not 6 and that the 6 was to form a Club that would have enough members to allow for a bigger tract.
2) I pay all up front and only required a down plus monthly.
This is not a good plan if your trying to make money.
3) All books are open to members.
4) No other charges for plots, feeders, etc..

4x900= 3600 12.00 per acre is 2400.00 leaves 1200.00
8 food plots = $$$
2 gates = $$$
6 shooting stands = $$$
Gas and Misc costs to do all the work = $$$
At 65.00 a month I have a whopping 260.00 a month to recoup the money I spent on the lease and get the plots and work done.

If I try to scam anyone it will be for a profit not a loss.

Oh yea I forgot - 1 Remington 700 CDL = $750.00

I have no problem with people asking the tough questions, just please get the facts straight first and a private message is better for these type questions since it obviously puts things in a bad light when there is no basis for the negative stuff to begin with. It is simply a wrong opinion by someone without the facts, no harm there but it just looks bad.

Anyway this one is closed now... thanks to all that responded.
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checking to see if you have any openings left, I live in bartow, and would like to see property, and get a little more Info, thanks.