Deer Friday


Senior Member

Deer Friday:
It has been a busy yet fulfilling week here on Crooked Creek! All my Pre-Op stuff is behind me. We have my PT scheduled and nailed down so basically, we are waiting on Game Day on the 23rd. Word is that I will be at Ortho Georgia 6-7 hours, have a full knee replacement, and be home that evening with a new and improved Titanium model!
I've tried to cram as much fun stuff into these last few days as I can and to be honest, it's time to rest a while. We've been up the creek and in the lake and even took some time to take Annie on a post-grooming cruise after lunch yesterday. I hope you all have a blessed weekend. Good Lord willing, we will be back as soon as possible with some more photos and fun from Crooked Creek and the Captain's Cafe!


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