Farmers squatting for photos?


I Want Fancy Words TOO !
A friend of mine is a chiropractor. He calls it the "Saigon Squat" and it does relieve back and leg pain. However for me personally it cause extreme knee pain. Lol.


Staff member
The old folks naturally followed the rule that is still taught in survival schools today. Never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lay down and sleep whenever you can. Common sense that’s not so common these days.


Senior Member
My grand dad was a farm chillen. Worked the tobacco and cotton before Army Air Force service during WW2. B17 mechanic. A fine man. Miss him still. Probably ten years old in 2nd pic picking a six string as my great grand dad smoked his pipe.

I did notice looking at old photos, the guys in the military squatted in a lot of poses as well.
I can remember farmers squatting while fishing as well.


Senior Member
Squatting was common among old time timber guys I knew.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
All the old folks of my time squatted. Only rural folks I knew that didn`t squat were-and are Linemen. We can`t squat. Our knees are wore out too bad.


Senior Member
My moms dad was dead when I was really young so I don't remember much before cancer got ahold of him. But my cousing said he would take all the young boys camping and hunting when nobody else would. He said one thing that always stood out about my papaw was how when you left him in the woods he would be squatted down smoking a cigarette and wether it was 1 or 5 hours later when you walked up he was squatting and smoking. Said he squatted at the camp fire and when he was fishing too. Never used a chair much


Senior Member
My Dad never squatted. He wanted to be "out-standing" in his field. :)


Senior Member
Y'all must be some old wore out fellas around here. I am 46 and can still get down on the ground to sit flat on my rear and then get right back up with never using my hands to touch anything, and I ain't skinny either bahahahaha J/K ya'll


Senior Member
I don't recall any of my generation squatting that much. Maybe a little when we were fishin'. I do recall a few farmers squatting just to talk.

One interest I had though was, why for photos?


Senior Member
Ive been squattin my whole life