Fish in the lower Satlla River


I live on the Satilla River near Woodbine. I am starting to get back into fishing after quite a few years and could use a little information on the fish here. Is there anything other than white catfish and gar in this section of the river? Are there any flatheads in this section? are there channel cats here?


Senior Member
Flatheads target channels. They have had an impact on channels in both the Satilla and Altamaha. There are channels, but the flatheads have made them hard to come by.

Still some of the best bream fishing in the world.

East of I-95 you will start picking up some saltwater species,


I live about 5 miles west of Woodbine. Would there be bream down this far? I saw 2 dolphins (mammals) cruise by my dock one afternoon. This was only a one time occurrence but I wonder what the salt content of the water is here.


Senior Member
I think you can find bream as far east as I-95.

Dolphins will go miles up fresh water rivers. Some sharks too.

Do keep any flatheads you catch. DNR is spending tens of thousands of dollars trying to control them in the Satilla and St. Marys.


Senior Member
DNR has removed over 45,000 lbs of Flatheads from the river since they started electroshocking them in 2007. Before that they were starting to wipe out the redbreast and bass populations on the river. Please do not return any flatheads if you catch them. You should have plenty of bass, cats, and panfish in your section. The only obstacles to catching them will be the tide and the brackish water they feed in. Also should be some redfish and trout not far from you. You defiantly in a great location, you have a choice of fish to choose from.