Help! Found a snake in our bathroom!!


Senior Member
You're not going to like me saying this but you probably have a bigger problem than the snakes. They are only coming in because there's a food source to attract them there. Remove the food and you'll likely remove the snakes. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you have a house with a crawl space and not a slab.


Senior Member
Would you rather have rats and mice running around?


Purveyor Of Fine Spirits
I agree with one of the posters, they wouldn't be hanging around without food. Baby rat snakes are no threat to humans, and they don't make near the mess that the varmits they eat do. Oh yeah, the other posters were right, it is illegal to kill one. I try to encourage non-venomous snakes to stay around my house. The little lady used to be scared of them but after being around me for so long, she now loves them.


Gone But Not Forgotten
No such animal as a mother snake,she was gone a long time ago

Actually.....and this is going to surprise some folks....some snakes do show some maternal behavior. King cobras build a nest, lay eggs in it and incubate those eggs and will fiercely defend them...pythons do the same. Bushmasters also remain with the clutch of eggs until they hatch and will also show very defensive behavior.

Most crotalids (except bushmasters) are "livebearers" (not really exactly correct but close enough), and it was previously thought that the mother simply abandoned the young and left them to fend for themselves. However, it has been recently found that, at least in some species, the mother will actually stay with her clutch until they have shed their first skin (usually around 10 days).

Jeff Raines

Senior Member
Actually.....and this is going to surprise some folks....some snakes do show some maternal behavior. King cobras build a nest, lay eggs in it and incubate those eggs and will fiercely defend them...pythons do the same. Bushmasters also remain with the clutch of eggs until they hatch and will also show very defensive behavior.

Most crotalids (except bushmasters) are "livebearers" (not really exactly correct but close enough), and it was previously thought that the mother simply abandoned the young and left them to fend for themselves. However, it has been recently found that, at least in some species, the mother will actually stay with her clutch until they have shed their first skin (usually around 10 days).

Dang it man,as I re-read this thread this morning,I started to post about the king cobra:bangingheI knew they were very protective.

Last night on the way to work I couldn't stop the truck in time to keep from running over a young rat snake,bout a foot long:banginghe


Senior Member
Rat snake make good found a 5 footer while working on my duct work under my first home.


Senior Member
Sounds like a fresh hatch nearby. They're moving off, looking for new territory to live and feed. There are, most likely more around and you may have a few visitors still to go.


Staff member
Why exactly are you afraid of it? I mean, what are you afraid that it'll do to you? There's absolutely nothing it can do to hurt you, even if there were fifteen of them in your bed. A cute little kitten will injure you a hundred times worse than that little baby snake.


Senior Member
The snakes are coming in the breather pipe on top of the house.Put some screen wire over it and it will stop!Seen this before many times.


Senior Member
rat snake wanted

Please e-mail me a baby rat snake.
Our cat is too old and lazy to catch our mice.
As am I.


Staff member
I think you have to fax it, actually. The virus scanner wouldn't let it through as an attachment.


Senior Member
The last time I had a snake in the house, my mom had already called 911. I get home just before the sherriff got there. He was laughing, I was laughing, mom wasn't happy, and son wasn't happy.

We caught the water snake and let him go down by the lake.

Now, the mocasin on the dock...well that was a totally different outcome. Just saying.

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