How many of you eat goose??

Bill Mc

Senior Member
Heard a fellow from "up north" call'em "sky carp" :eek:

Tried a couple of them and I agree with old Dundee.

If I ever shoot another one, I think I'll grind it up and make some hot chili.

Russ Toole

Senior Member
Shredded in food processer, and mixed with enchilada sauce and some other stuff they are very good. Goose enchiladas! Wife has the recipe.


Senior Member
Tried deep frying one several Thanksgivings ago after we did the Turkey. Should have just dropped my boot in the pot. It was awful.


2023 TURKEY CHALLENGE 1st place Team
Make jerky, great.

blues brother

Senior Member
we boned out the breast, sliced into steaks and ran thru the cubing machine. soaked in buttermilk, coated in seasoned flour and fried like cube steak. It was very good....until it got cold....just like a piece of old beef liver, the longer I chewed, the bigger it got!
funny and a buddy ended up shooting a couple geese on Lanier....well we marinated the breast all night and threw them on the grill the next day.....took em off and ate em....they were ok...not bad not great....well the next day we grilled burgers....went out to start the grill and it caught fire...serious fire....the left over geese grease blew up....BUT....i did make jerky out of the other goose and it was awesome


Polar Bear Moderator
kabobs...with bacon, onion, bell pepper.... you'll start huntin goose more often.

little rascal

Senior Member
you can

do anything with goose ,you can do with deer. A wild goose around here, has an odor when you skin it, it has a grey greasy fat like a deer sort of. Breast'em out and forget the skin and plucking, that will make you never want it again (speaking of local birds, the grasseaters). We skin out the thighs also, they are good wet smoked or make good jerky. Just soak your goose meat in a bowl of salt water a day or night, it takes out some blood and turns a nice pink. Then you can use it however, grind and add some beef fat and make goose burgers, spaghetti, or make bacon wrapped goose peppers, jerky, slice and fry like tenderloin, lot's of uses etc. I don't like goose gumbo, however I made a goose goulash once and it was dang good. 2/3 of the folks that bad mouth goose and coot's have never eaten either, or duck probably.


Senior Member
funny and a buddy ended up shooting a couple geese on Lanier....well we marinated the breast all night and threw them on the grill the next day.....took em off and ate em....they were ok...not bad not great....well the next day we grilled burgers....went out to start the grill and it caught fire...serious fire....the left over geese grease blew up....BUT....i did make jerky out of the other goose and it was awesome


I have never made Jerky out of any meat. How did you all go about making Goose Jerk? I have a open invite to kill some of the "sky carp" as one called them on here and am looking to get ideas... :hair:


Senior Member
Yep Swamp - that is what I am asking and/or implying...

I have seen some recipes that look great for goose - others not so much. BUT I would love to try some Jerky and/or a goose philly/chee that I seen advertised on another post.