Kids and Tattoos


Keeper of the Magic Word
If you are going to be dumb, you have to be tough.

“I am just working out a date to get it taken off – which sucks because it is going to hurt,” he said.


Senior Member
My daddy told us that if we came home with our first tattoo, his belt would furnish the second. Things have changed since the sixties and early seventies.

A couple of older gentleman with military tats tell me not to get them.

I have complied with the guidance from my elders.

As a manager, I have hired lots of folks with tattoos. I hire forklift drivers, packaging machine operators, etc. tattoos are not relevant. Jewelry on the job is another matter, people and product safety issues.

fish hawk

Bass Master
Visible tattoos are not "as" big a deal anymore.
The quilty and subject matter seem to be a big deal though.
Get a bunch of ugly, beginner crap like sculls and cuss words..... Well you're doomed.
High quilty (expensive and from a seasoned artist) tats show you Can makes better decisions in life than the guy with "Husle Hard - Git Ritch"

It is a trend with millennials like yourself,trends come and go.You wont be nearly as proud of them tats when your 60.

fish hawk

Bass Master
I get that ppl are diff and have diff beliefs but ive never seen so many homophobic ,tattoo phobic, pot phobic judgmental hypocrites as I have in every forum on this page

I mean I get that this place is prolly 70% elders over 50 but come on

Yea dont forget you'll be fifty one day squirt,then tell me if 50 is elderly.

Mexican Squealer

Senior Member
I get that ppl are diff and have diff beliefs but ive never seen so many homophobic ,tattoo phobic, pot phobic judgmental hypocrites as I have in every forum on this page

I mean I get that this place is prolly 70% elders over 50 but come on

Summed me up pretty good, cept I'm 44 and believe we shoud leeegalizzzeee it....:pop:

mrs. hornet22

Beach Dreamer
Speaking of 50..................................
I got the tattoo that I designed myself five years prior at the ripe old age of 50.:D :fine::fine:


Senior Member
It is a trend with millennials like yourself,trends come and go.You wont be nearly as proud of them tats when your 60.

I'm pretty good with living without regret of my decisions. Life altering ones at that.
Regret is for the weak minded


Senior Member
Oh, and please fish, don't group me with mellinneals. It's a terrible disgusting label that I don't fit into.
I'm self motivated, can change a tire without a jack, and am able to pay for my tattoos without a credit card. ;)