Local Range vandalized

take em

Senior Member
At the public meeting before the planning commission the only complaints were of noise. The range is protected from these complaints under the Georgia Range Protection Act. The people who spoke to pass the the zoning changes kept insisting that this was not an anti-gun issue. Then the next night someone painted anti-gun graphitti all over the range and a personal message in the range owners driveway. If this is not a second amendment issue then why all of the anti-gun statements?

Some of the residents of the subdivision where most of the complaints are coming from did live there before the range was built. Many who signed petitions moved in afterwards. I am not sure of the ratio though. Basically what the range is dealing with is a small group of anti-gunners who have nothing better to do than call the county and complain constantly. That is how we have reached this point. They have convinced the commissioner that something has to be done just to get them off his back. Remember, we do not want to aggrevate the commissioner. We want to get our side heard in a respectful and adult manner. He is a reasonable man and does not like to hear a bunch of rants.