Loose Batteries


Senior Member
Just a reminder to all if you have a camera that has the eight AA batteries make sure you check the battery contact before leaving the camera. I just brought in a card that was on a scrape for a week with 0 pics, retrieved the camera and the batteries were loose. It probably happened on the 4 wheeler ride in to put it up.


King Casanova
I had a problem like that about 3 1/2 years ago because I forgot to turn the camera back on after I changed out the batteries. Since then, I check every camera after changing out batteries or even changing out the memory cards etc. I always wait and stand in front of the camera for about 20 seconds and make sure that it takes a photo of me before I leave the area. The problem was solved very easily and since then, I do the same routine every time when changing cards/batteries etc.

I also make sure to turn off each camera before removing and replacing the batteries and memory cards as well.

I'll agree that I was really teed off also when I returned and found no photos at all!!! :banginghe:banginghe:banginghe


Senior Member
yep the bushnells are bad about this as well. I have done it a few times. Make sure you see the red light flash when you turn it on.