Mr. No Shoulders No More


Senior Member
Canebreak Rattler

That's what they are called in Florida. They are kind of an in between snake down here. They are not as prevalent in dry uplands as the Eastern Diamondbacks we have; nor do they inhabit the wetter areas like our cottonmouth moccasins. That stripe from the head down the spine...I have seen some in Florida with that stripe as flourescent orange as a hunting vest.
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Senior Member
You are right about Heard County! I've been there 1 time in my life turkey hunting at Pine Mountain and killed a rattler similar to yours. Funny thing was, my hunting buddy had access to the place and made fun of me for wearing snake leggings. He said "they ain't no rattlers round here". I figured to play it on the safe side and on the way out for lunch, there was old Mr. Rattler crossing the woods road. He felt like a fool after that.

Meriwether Mike

Senior Member
Glad you sent him to his grave. I hunt down in Ephesus and just purchased some snake boots for just that reason. :hair:

Chuck Martin

Senior Member
Ain't but two kinds of snakes ..........rattle snakes and chicken snakes.........and that one didn't have no chicken in it's mouth! Good job :cool:


Senior Member
Snake scaps

YEPPERS I got mine cause I hunt in Crawford county and seen some biguns on the wall at a gas station in Culloden..... :cry: :D and the only goodun is a deadun


Scared or Ignorance?

You know it just amazes me the response people give for killing a snake, any snake just for the sake of killing it. One day you will wake up to the fact that rattlesnakes are becoming on the verge of a threatened species.

In my 20 years of land surveying I have been struck at a total of 4 times, 2 by a rattlesnake and 2 by a moccasin. In my 35 years of hunting and scouting I have never been struck at. I have killed only 3 snakes while working but have seen over hundreds of rattlers, moccasins, and coral snakes along with non venemous snakes.

My philosphy is if it ain't bothering me then I an not going to bother it. Real sporting to kill a snake with your 5000 pound truck then snap a photo and brag how you conquered the beast.


Senior Member
Swamprat said:
One day you will wake up to the fact that rattlesnakes are becoming on the verge of a threatened species.
Yeah, but it won't be because of the relatively few that were killed by hunters and such. It will be due to the loss of habitat because of surveyors and developers. Snakes and other creatures (deer for instance) are losing their homes at an alarming rate.

The Snakeman


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
Well I guess I should appologize for posting a picture of the snake. I kill many ceatures that I am sure have some purpose for being in this world, roaches, flies and rattlers all pests in my opinion. None of it is sporting or anything to brag about. Just thought folks might like to see the picture.


Senior Member
Paymaster said:
Well I guess I should appologize for posting a picture of the snake. I kill many ceatures that I am sure have some purpose for being in this world, roaches, flies and rattlers all pests in my opinion. None of it is sporting or anything to brag about. Just thought folks might like to see the picture.
Some folks do like to see the pic. That animal has the capacity to kill a human being and it is legal to kill it. What's the big deal?
Thanks for the posting the pic, even though it gives me the chills to think something like that could ever strike my two year old son. At least THAT one won't.


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
Thanks; GLSU.