Opening Day Supper at Camp


Senior Member
Yessir, he would call me bout every morning when I got off work. He'd give you the shirt off his back.
He dang sure would! He gave me his old little fish finder for my little fishing boat. Just gave it to me. Every time I went to his house he had to show me whatever he had going on. His cooking set up on his back porch, his freezers! ?. He didn’t have to have the best of everything. He was happy with what he had and made the best of everything he did. His wife was always so sweet too!


Senior Member
@georgiadawgs44 and specs on that Akorn table you've got there....please! Been wanting to make me one of those.
Sorry it took me so long to get back with you. I bought that Akorn 3 or 4 years ago and we use it just about every night we are down there. This set up is my buddy Chad’s. He built a cover for his camper and porch then. It really is nice and has become the center of camp life. The table is about 42” high, to high in my opinion. I have to use a hook to raise and lower the lid as I’m not tall enough to reach it. Also someone raised the lid and just pushed it back and pulled the inserts out of the grill. The height of the table was definitely a contributing factor. The diameter of the hole is 21 1/2”. It really is an awesome set up!1635738515282.jpeg


GON Political Forum Scientific Studies Poster
Sweet setup. I had some do the same thing to the lid on my first, nobody touches it but me! Good tip on the height. Looking at wheels on mine, so will have to account for that added height. Thanks!


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
I took the ham bone from the ham I smoked last weekend down to camp. I cut off scraps of meat for the black eye peas and put the bone in the collards. We took a deer ham and a couple of deer eye of round roast, marinated over night. Seasoned the meat and put a thick cut bacon weave on top and put it in the Akorn for the afternoon hunt. I also made some cornbread. There were full bellies and some good sleep after this meal! It was very good!

Side note. The roast was a little over cooked. I put it on about 3, before I went to the stand. I spent 45 minutes getting the temp just right at 250*. When I came back after the hunt the temp had risen to 290. I have an Akorn at home that is awesome at holding temps. Even on overnight cooks. This one at camp is very hard to control. It’s fine when we’re sitting around cooking but when you need to leave it it never stays where I leave it. Either it’ll be way to hot or it’ll go out because I choke it off to much because I’m scared it’ll get to hot. It’s crazy how it’s so different between the two. Maybe it’s because I got the one for camp for half price on clearance. ?
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Heck of a deer camp meal right there!!!


Senior Member
Man could get some good sleep after a meal like that! Looks outstanding!