Our family is crushed... prayers appreciated


Senior Member
Nov of 2021 started a rough haul for our family. We've lost 4 family members in that time, including both of the people I considered my grandparents, although they were technically a great aunt and uncle. We've dealt with a lot of loss over the years, but I've been a lot lower at times this past year than I think I ever have.

The silver lining to that has been that my sister found out she was pregnant with her first child (and my first nephew on my side) shortly after my aunt passed. We've all been looking forward to the joy to come from adding to the family. His delivery was scheduled in 2 weeks, but we found out yesterday that he had passed and my sister had a c-section yesterday evening. We're all crushed and struggling to understand. We're believers and know that it's all part of God's plan, but it still doesn't make it any easier.

Prayers for my sister and her fiancé are much appreciated. This one is going to hurt for a while.


The Oracle
Prayers from here.


Miss Moderator Ma Hen
Staff member


Cuffem & Stuffem Moderator
Staff member
I am so sorry y'all are going through this.
Will be praying for y'all.


Staff member
What a tragic sequence of events. I offer you this prayer from my faith with sincere empathy and condolences.

Help me not to fear the future but to boldly trust that you are in control when my emotions plunge me down, and when I am in despair. At times when I can't talk and don't know what to say, help me to “Be still, and know that you are God”. Be my comforter, my healer and bring me peace.

In Jesus' name, Amen.


Senior Member
Thanks guys. For a site (mostly) full of strangers, it helps to get on here and just type it out.

What comforts me is knowing that when he opened his eyes, he was surrounded by Jesus and all the people that raised me that are no longer here with us. 2 Peter 3:8 says that 1 day with Jesus is equal to 1000 years on Earth. While it hurts for us here on Earth to go a lifetime without, he'll never know it. And we'll have plenty of stories to tell him when we get there!


Senior Member
My goodness Steven. So so sorry to hear. My prayers are certainly with your family.


Senior Member
Sorry to hear the loss, praying with you in this season.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Kind thoughts and prayers....


Old Worn Out Mod
Staff member
Nov of 2021 started a rough haul for our family. We've lost 4 family members in that time, including both of the people I considered my grandparents, although they were technically a great aunt and uncle. We've dealt with a lot of loss over the years, but I've been a lot lower at times this past year than I think I ever have.

The silver lining to that has been that my sister found out she was pregnant with her first child (and my first nephew on my side) shortly after my aunt passed. We've all been looking forward to the joy to come from adding to the family. His delivery was scheduled in 2 weeks, but we found out yesterday that he had passed and my sister had a c-section yesterday evening. We're all crushed and struggling to understand. We're believers and know that it's all part of God's plan, but it still doesn't make it any easier.

Prayers for my sister and her fiancé are much appreciated. This one is going to hurt for a while.
Praying from here.