R.i.p. Buster

Sarge lost Buster Monday sure going to miss you buddy you have been a good one old boy one that can never be replaced sorry for the loss SIS I no he was a good friend.


Senior Clown
dang guys i hate to hear that!!!!!!!!!...i have a bunch of fond memories of him myself..Sorry Sarge n Dilligaf...it has been a ruff year for y'all


I am proud to have chased you from one side of the farm to the other. You certainly will be missed! I'll never forget buster and Yella dog chasing down that hog in the swamp that time and watching that hog flip end over end! One of many kills for Sarge's official yard dog.
buster, my brother. thank you for all your loyalty, stride, and boldness. it has been my pleasure to be one of your many soldiers. eventhough i know i was your fav, you will never be forgotten.
love you always, ur big sis!
Sorry to hear about your loss, but I love your other dog's name (dilligaf).