Resident Evil-Carolina horsenettle


Senior Member
If there was ever a weed I truly despise, carolina horsenettle is it. It is truly evil, will take over an entire plot, and spread like wildfire if not dealt with. Had a serious problem with this stuff when we purchased our place 15 years ago. Didn’t know what it was, but asked and learned from local farmers.
Went full nuclear 3 years straight and eliminated most all of it using Grazon Next per what a farmer told me. It kills all broadleafs and is a bit residual. Will not kill grasses.
I do still see it, less and less every year, but bit more this year for whatever reason.
Down to spot spraying with my portable jug.
This stuff propagates by seed and from roots/ root pieces / rhizomes.
Grazon kills the tops, and more importantly the roots/rhizomes.
Important to spray at or just before the flowering stage.
If you do see the evil- green- devil-spawn berries, cut them off carefully, and burn/destroy with extreme prejudice to ensure zero seed survival.
Mature berries will look like yellow cherry tomatoes.


Gone But Not Forgotten
I'll second that opinion of this scoundrel weed. Like you I didn't know what it was when I first encountered it and I'm still fighting it in my clover plot.

I'm using IMOX which does a pretty good job on every plant sprayed but I'd like to see better progress on the rhizomes.


Staff member
Yeah, horse nettle and nutsedge are two of the absolute hardest ones to get rid of.