Team #2 "Dawn's Crackers"

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He's up in my neck of the woods, would love to catch up and chase a bird with him. I can see he's a killer. What part of Oklahoma y'all hunt? I use to hunt in waynoka and I plan to go turkey hunting there next year.


Senior Member
Got the heart racing this morning when a hen popped up on my weak side. Unfortunately that was it.

struttin n ruttin

Senior Member
Seen 2 different gobblers this morning. They were just so spooky and didn't want to play. I don't mind hunting in the rain, but can't stand the wind and neither did those birds this morning. Will be back at em in the morning. Conditions won't be much better, but can't kill em on the couch. Can't wait for the good weather next week.

struttin n ruttin

Senior Member
Took the 30 minute drive to the dovefield in Bama this morning. Got an 8 point bird if pics hold up!

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Congrats on a fine bird. Let's hope they hold up because we need the bonus. We were on a bird this morning and he wouldn't fly across a huge creek. Going after a bird I saw today in a field. Hope to get him because he appeared to be a big bird.

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Senior Member
I'm on track to having my worst season in years! This week I'm hunting hard and not giving up but, dang it's near impossible to get on a bird.


Senior Member
Hey guys....I have done several of these contests before. The first time I did it I struggled terribly with beard pictures until I figured out to use clothes pins and a wide tape measure. It works to perfection!

On the spurs....get some of those huge paper binder clips and clip the tape to the leg to get your spur measurement. It just adds an extra hand is all.

Keep up the good work guys!! You are knocking them down!!

Slings and Arrows

Senior Member
Struttin, way to go man! A bonus bird when we really need it. You are Mr. cool. I didn't catch up with a mountain bird but the family had a blast camping and trout fishing. Im in the Piedmont NWR tomorrow ( no family ) so I'll hit it hard for a couple days. I gotta thank GCox25 for the high praise. I hope to live up to it. See you soon brother (ducks in Dec maybe?)

struttin n ruttin

Senior Member
Here are the pics of my most recent bird. Tell me what you think. I have another pic of the beard I will post as well. Still trying to learn with the whole picture thing.


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struttin n ruttin

Senior Member
Yeah I had the tape to far off the beard. I'll let the judges make their decision. I can see 3 strands past 10 but then again it's my bird:bounce:

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What do you other guys think? Will the judges accept it? If they don't it's a 2pt bird that can't be replaced. That's a huge blow. I'm a gambler and want the extra points as long as they don't penalize us. We still got a good chance to finish at the top and need the points so y'all's call. I'm going after work this evening and it should be a good hunt after the rain. This is my week to kill something


Senior Member
The picture is a toss up. Not knowing the judges, but looking at past pictures the beard strands are over the yellow tape. Ain't nothing that says you can only post one picture of the beard. Post the best pictures your have for the extra points and hopefully one of them will work for the judges.

This season has been rough so far. But the best part of the season is still ahead. :)

struttin n ruttin

Senior Member
Guys I have the bird posted. I added the other beard pic instead of the one I posted here. This one should definitely work. I'm in the process of trying to locate one last bonus bird. I have made a few trips to the WMA near me recently. Have spotted a few good birds so hopefully I can end my season with one. I have to admit I have never killed a bird on a WMA because I am lucky enough to hunt some pretty awesome private land. If I can pull it off I will feel like I had a pretty accomplished season. Ya'll stay at em and Offroad you are definitely right about the best part being ahead. Best of luck to each of you!

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Senior Member
Yeah the picture should work! I'm trying like crazy to kill a bird. I haven't even heard but a hand full this season. We're on a big bird in Gordon county but will probably have to deer hunt him. Hopefully I can tag him & at least 1 more other than him. I need my season to turn around because it has sucked so far.

Slings and Arrows

Senior Member
I'm back to civilization after camping for more than a week. I didn't hear a gobble in the mountains. At that altitude, it wasn't spring yet. The mountains may start up good for the last week of the season. Trout fishing was great! I worked them hard in the PNWR. The birds were educated from the first couple weeks and would not roost in the same area two days in a row. That made targeting a specific bird difficult. Had a long beard at 70 yrds and a jake and bearded hen at 15 yrds. Exciting but no bird in the truck. Too bad we can't enter ticks in the contest cause I came home with a couple dandys! The pic below is my son. He will fish all day in the cold and rain. He makes me proud!


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struttin n ruttin

Senior Member
Nice S and A! Sounds like you had a very enjoyable time. A bird wou would have just been a bonus to all that fun you and your family had. Will you be doing anymore hunting?

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I'm going next 2 mornings and hoping like crazy to have a good hunt. Another awesome pic slings & arrows. I hope to have a bird down soon.

Slings and Arrows

Senior Member
I'm heading to Wyoming/Montana on the 8th. I usually find a bird or two up there. They will more than likely be 5 pointer. Until then I'm stuck in the office and workin the wife's honeydew list.

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