whats wrong with this buck(whitetail)

Ok im 11, and the last hunting season i killed my first and second deer. the first my tagged on his tags it was va small 3 pointer. the socond was taged on my tags as a small buck a spike. but the second deer had a problem its right antler was dangling from its head on a 2 inch round sphere,like a tumer. and when i steped on the antler(not on perpose) it snapped like a twig! if anyone knows what is wrong with that deer please tell me. ::ke:

Auto-5 Nut

Senior Member
If I understand you correctly, I think the deer probably damaged his rack while it was still in velvet. Could be wrong, but that is my take without seeing the deer.

Havana Dude

Senior Member
Hey Bud!!!

First off, I like your name, a deers nightmare, thats a goodun. I've always considered myself to be one also :bounce: :bounce: Anyway, I believe A-5nut has it right. In addition, antlers are fairly brittle anyway when put under a certain amount of stress. Consider the fact that they break them off all the time when two bucks are fighting. I think when the antler was in velvet, the buck had an injury to that antler, probably "almost breaking" it off, but it held on, finished developing and then when you stepped on the weakened area, it simply broke. Good luck on your upcoming season bud.


Senior Member
Hard to say without photos, but one of the spikes had probably just broken away from the base. Some spikes can be very thin, and would therefore easily break if stepped on.


Senior Member
Sounds like the other guys have got it covered. One other possibility, however could be that the deer was injured (perhaps on it's left leg). In some cases, a physical injury such as a collision with a vehicle, fighting wound, broken bone, etc. can affets the deer's antler growth on the adjacent side. This is just another possibility. Like the other guys said, it would be hard to tell without seeing the condition of the deer firsthand.


Senior Member
Sounds to me like it was an illegal deer. One of your two bucks has to have at least 4 points on one side in Georgia.

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