Kobe Bryant


TCU Go Frawgs !
I am a huge BB fan and have followed Kobe since he came to the league, but for some reason I never heard that even when he was playing, he used the copter for commuting to work instead of fighting LA's traffic. Crazy, but relative to income its probably no different than some of our daily rides.

Heck, I know several "normal" people who used helicopters. They were all the rage around here before the RE collapse.
I would never get in one(they are always headed to the scene of the crash), but we used to rent one to look at RE that was out of the immediate area. I had plenty of life insurance on my business partners so I was cool with them going.

I was told by a helicopter pilot that flew in Vietnam to never fly on a piston engine helicopter.
I think they should ban helicopters.
If it saves only one life................
Entitled rich people... Kobe got what he deserved flying around in a Helicopter why the rest of LA was sitting in bumper to bumper traffic.

We should take their armed security as well. Guns are bad.


Senior Member
The guy might have been a great guy, and evidently was a great player, but the coverage given to this shows how messed up and misplaced our society values are in this day and time ! He played Basketball, he didn't fight for our country, or serve as a first responder protecting people or saving lives, its sad he and the others lost their lives, especially the daughter, as she likely had no say in how she traveled, but people are acting like this guy was the savior of mankind or something ?

There are people that are killed all the time that have done more for our country or mankind in general that never get mentioned in the news ! Our society puts way too much emphasis on sports and players, we make millionaires out of them because of our buying tickets and merchandise, or watching them on tv, and then envy them for their fame and fortune . Most of those players do not deserve the recognition or notoriety they have, many are not someone we would want to be associated with if we knew what kind of person they really were .


Senior Member
Good for him. He successfully bought her off.
Just curious, do you know the woman that accused him of this ? Sounds like you know the complete story and I'm curious. Or maybe you're the guy that believes someone is guilty until proven innocent. I myself don't have a comment on the rape allegations because I wasn't there and I try to never KNOW for a FACT just because TMZ says it's true


Senior Member
Tell that to ole mad maxine waters. She wants the whole world to come to a stop to recognize him...and his daughter. And eventually those other people involved but you know...they were'nt special from her district an all like he waa.

"Celebrated as a king in Los Angeles, Kobe's death is deeply painful for our city and his millions of fans everywhere," Waters said. "For decades, he dazzled generations of fans and aspiring athletes, leaving a legacy as a prolific athlete, devoted husband, loving father and philanthropist that will never be forgotten."


That woman is ignorant and uneducated, as evidently her supporters are, Kobe never put his life on the line for his country, or for a total stranger, never saved anyone's life, never put himself in danger protecting others, people that do that on a daily basis never get this kind of remembrance when they are killed in the line of duty, or in a tragic accident. Sorry the guy died, and the others with him, especially the youngsters, as their life was just beginning, but I don't see him as deserving of the kind of admiration he is receiving. He put his pants on just like we all do, one leg at a time.


Senior Member
Rough & sad for families losing loved ones.


Vanessa Bryant: 'There aren't enough words to describe our pain right now'



Senior Member
If it weren't for the NBA many thugs and drug dealers would never make it out of the hood,,,, so they can buy ridiculously expensive cars instead of stealing them, and have access to better quality drugs , instead of the junk they sold at the neighborhood BB courts, and of course access to prettier women,,, and of course the Kardashian girls,,,,, all very good reasons I won't watch the NBA.

I haven't watched a BB game since I was a kid,,, and never will again,,, I didn't know any better back then,,,

Jim Thompson

Live From The Tree
Could yall imagine if we had social media when Elvis or JFK or MLK or Pat Tillman or Princess Di died or when the shuttle blew up killing the crew? None of these people were perfect, but they all touched millions in their own way. If we had social media like we do now, we would be seeing the same thing.

This man's life was no better than anyone else's, but the fact that used his platform to touch and inspire millions of people around the globe is why he is getting the coverage. If a plane went down today that had 100 people on it, but only one of those folks was my mother...I can promise you I would grieve much more so for her than the other 99. She wouldnt be any better than the others, but she would have touched my life in a different way and I would have a connection with her that I didnt have for the others.

You dont have to understand it, dont have to agree with it, dont have to like it, dont have to go along with it, but Kobe Bryant was seen as an inspiration, roll model and friend for a ton of folks (along with a ton of social media bandwagoners) and they are currently grieving.

Not sure why this is difficult for folks to understand. Even if some of you didnt personally see him as an icon, others did and your opinion or outlook is no better or more important than their opinion or outlook.


Political Forum Town Crier
James 4:12 (KJV)
12 There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?


Political Forum Town Crier
Could yall imagine if we had social media when Elvis or JFK or MLK or Pat Tillman or Princess Di died or when the shuttle blew up killing the crew? None of these people were perfect, but they all touched millions in their own way. If we had social media like we do now, we would be seeing the same thing.

This man's life was no better than anyone else's, but the fact that used his platform to touch and inspire millions of people around the globe is why he is getting the coverage. If a plane went down today that had 100 people on it, but only one of those folks was my mother...I can promise you I would grieve much more so for her than the other 99. She wouldnt be any better than the others, but she would have touched my life in a different way and I would have a connection with her that I didnt have for the others.

You dont have to understand it, dont have to agree with it, dont have to like it, dont have to go along with it, but Kobe Bryant was seen as an inspiration, roll model and friend for a ton of folks (along with a ton of social media bandwagoners) and they are currently grieving.

Not sure why this is difficult for folks to understand. Even if some of you didnt personally see him as an icon, others did and your opinion or outlook is no better or more important than their opinion or outlook.
Very well said!


Staff member
I am sick of hearing about Kobe.

Sure, it is terrible that 9 people were killed in an accident, but everyone seems to be concerned about the one who could make a ball fall thru a hoop. Those others were just as important to their families as he was to his.

Setting Kobe up on a pedestal for the nation to mourn over just seems like a bit much to me.

4 days later and it's still all about Kobe.