Is there any way to deter dogs from your deer lease?

Paul Cataldo

Senior Member
I’ve got a neighbors dog that won’t stay off our property. Assuming the owner won’t do anything as he had promised and assuming the county pound won’t enforce the leash laws, what, if anything can be done to deter this dog from constantly roaming our lease at will whenever he wants to? Yes, I have thought about offering to buy this dog a shock collar and invisible fence or whatever you call it, but if all of the above fails, is there anything I can do to simply deter this dog from crossing the dirt road and entering our lease??
Anyone got any tricks I’ve not yet dreamed up?


Senior Member
Realistically I don't think so, at my home I am surrounded by woods on three sides, and used to have deer frequent my yard in the evenings and sometimes during the day, and occasionally turkeys as well. I had started to put a deer block out for them and occasionally some feed, but my neighbor got another dog and now the dog is constantly coming around my house at all times of day and night, as a result no more deer ! my neighbors property is 200yds from mine, realistically nothing I can do that won't cause a major issue


Senior Member
Ive been leasing the same property for 35yrs, overtime we've had dogs, horses, cows, goats, and domestic pigs roam during deer season....deers and turkeys dont seem to mind is aggrivating though....i normally sit still till they pass...have seen deer pass thru after intruders move on ....


Senior Member
best thing to do is contact the owner as you said....explain the situation. but likely it will continue


Slow Mod
Staff member
If the owner is unwilling to correct the situation and the appropriate governmental agency unwilling to enforce the law, there is little that you can do to alleviate the situation that is legal.
However if the nearest animal that will accept a stray that you find is 75 mils away, a trap might prove useful.


“Well Rounded Outdoorsman MOD “
Staff member
I have the same issue . Caught a man’s dogs in a coyote trap a couple years ago . Knew where the dog lived and took her home . Spoke with the owner and told him we were trapping coyotes on our property and hated to possibly harm his dogs . Had trail cam pictures of the same dogs a few days later . I hate to take someone’s dog to the pound but that’s probably your best option if you can catch it .

Paul Cataldo

Senior Member
Unfortunately, the problem with the pound is then the owners of the dog and the lease owners (who are neighbors obviously) will all assume we shot the dog if it comes up missing.
I suppose we could take it to the pound, and tell the owner and then let the owner go retrieve his dog and cause him a slight hassle, but then they’ll want to say “why didn’t you just bring the dog to us?”
I wish it was a wild dog, or one whose owner we didn’t know at all.


Senior Member
I had the same problem with a dog last year on our lease, but I didn't know who the owner was. Tried to run him off, but he kept coming back. Finally I borrowed a trap from animal control and caught him and brought him to them. When I was there I noticed that they had a message board and on the board was a picture of this dog that the owners had put up. I contacted the owners and let them know that I had their dog. His son was in tears that his dog had been found.
You can put a trap out keep it baited with food and water trap the dogs and take them to the pound. If a person really cared and loved their pet they would keep them up and wana know where they are at. They wouldn’t want them to get hurt or killed.. I wouldn’t worry about contacting any of them. Couple times of getting them outta the pound they will figure it out. Not your problem for how they might think.


Old and Ornery
Staff member
Everybody, read this. And heed the message.

Dog Shooting Threads
Over the past several years many threads related to opinions about dogs being on property other than the owner of the animal have been posted. In all instances these threads have become heated and in most cases have resulted in threats, name calling, etc. This results in the Moderators having to delete posts and referee the arguments that erupt.

In the interest of keeping the peace, effective immediately threads or posts that relate to wandering dogs, shooting dogs, poisoning dogs, etc, will be deleted without notice or communication.
They enforce the leash law in Lexington County South Carolina. I live about 10 miles from town. I let my dogs run around my property and they will run across the road to the neighbors woods. It’s all family and long time neighbors. The dang bicycles keep riding back and forth on the road and someone fell off because they said my dogs ran out into the road. Got to go to court next week. Fenced in my backyard. Need a leash law for bicycles.


Slow Mod
Staff member
They enforce the leash law in Lexington County South Carolina. I live about 10 miles from town. I let my dogs run around my property and they will run across the road to the neighbors woods. It’s all family and long time neighbors. The dang bicycles keep riding back and forth on the road and someone fell off because they said my dogs ran out into the road. Got to go to court next week. Fenced in my backyard. Need a leash law for bicycles.
Sounds to me like the bicyclists were traveling "too fast for conditions" and should be charged. I hope they didn't frighten your dogs too badly.