Senior Member
That’s great, congratulations!
Outstanding..Came up to Kentucky on a last minute change of vacation plans. Seeing deer but no chances until this evening. At last light, this dude came in and it was big enough for me! I mean very last light, I actually un nocked my arrow, put it in the quiver, and heard a noise behind me…….not a squirrel this time! He was nose down at about 30. I drew back and a deer under me stomped off and this guy turned now facing straight away from me. Here I am a full draw and time running out! A little mehhhh, nothing! A louder mehhh, nothing, a hollering mehhhhhh!! He finally turns broadside looking at me. I was on him solid and let it fly. He went down on his behind! I had immediate fears of another ugly mess, but I nocked another arrow and made a great shot. He was expired within 5 seconds after that shot which hit him in he heart! I’m so happy to get a deer with my bow I can’t begin to explain! Not a big buck, but the first with a bow and a perfect deer in my book! Back on doe patrol for one more sit before heading home tomorrow evening! Only had a fork on one side, the other side felt like a button, but no antler growth. Can wait to make more jerky!!
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