2024 Oglethorpe County

Todd E

Senior Member
I hope all you guys are doing well.

Some times the stars align and a hunt puts a smile on your face. I finally got a dear friend out on a thermal hog hunt. Took some moving around, but we each finally got zoned in on a hog. He dumped the boar DRT. It was just a boatload of fun, especially when it got "western" after each of our first shots. FB_IMG_1714963413803~2.jpg

I ventured out tonight looking for hogs. Not too far into my venture, I realized my t-cell didn't have a fuel cell in it. Sweating my tail off and getting eaten alive, I turned to go find my truck and the a/c. Forget this. Scanned a coyote. It was getting just a smidge of my wind. I laid out scooted back up in some bushes to the fence in order to try and keep my wind off it. By doing so, I had cicadas crawling on me in the dark. After what seemed like 15 mins, I finally squeaked it out of the grass and dumped it. Much to my surprise.........a young male black phase. Pretty cool to walk up on in the dead of night. PXL_20240506_013844059.jpgPXL_20240506_014317093.jpg