Balus/Flat Creek Trolling Report 6 July


Senior Member
Lake Lanier Balus/Flat Creek Trolling Report 6 July

A guy from Lanier Fishing Buddies wanted to go fishing, so we got out before the rain rolled in. Water is up to 83 deg F. Managed two spotted bass, a white bass, and a crappie in a couple hours. I was marking plenty of bait near the blue boat house 10-20 feet deep in 40-50 feet of water before my sonar started to flake out on me. Didn't notice the thermocline, but I think it must still be close to 10 ft from the behavior of the bait. Fish caught mostly on Michigan Stinger spoons 10-20 ft deep behind Dipsey Divers. Crappie was on a Flicker Shad at the same depth. We had a hit on the trolled whopper plopper, but it did not hook up. Overall, we saw far less topwater action than in the past few weeks.

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