Blood Test Results - A1C


Senior Member
I am 76 years old and my blood A1C level 3 months ago was 6.0. Doctor checked it again a couple of days ago and
it was 6.1. She told me that I am considered prediabetic and that if it reached 6.5 that I would be diabetic.
I used to walk quite a bit and ride a bicycle and kept my A1C between 5.5 and 5.7, but three years ago my wife was diagnosed with ALS. I am her primary caregiver and mostly now confined to the house and do not exercise much at all. Occasionally if one of her friends is over
I may go for a walk. I do not want to start on diabetic medication. I know my diet needs to be improved. I do eat too many sweets and
carbohydrates, which are not good for blood levels. Anyone out there that would like to share their experience with me on their journey with prediabetes and diabetes, it would be greatly appreciated.......


Resident Homesteader
I’ve been pre-diabetic since 2001. I keep my carbs below 100 per day, drink plenty water and get my heart rate up at least 30 minutes per day. I love to walk but can’t always do it, jumping jacks and jump rope fill the gap.


Keeper of the Magic Word
Every Doctor seems to have their own definition of pre diabetic and diabetic using A1C. Is your doctor a PCP or a endocrinologist? I would get a second opinion from an endocrinologist if you haven't seen one.


Senior Member
Sorry to hear that. I would look at the things you could do.
Diet would be the 1st thing that although hard to stick to easy to put together. Stop looking at those sweets when you grocery shop
2nd exercise can be done at home. Look into an ecliptic or exercise bike. You can set it up near a t.v. or talk to the wife wile to use it.
Those are two things that are controllable you can implement without to much thought.
Good luck Buddy!


Senior Member
I have been diabetic for 40 years and have never been able to control high sugar levels even though I don't eat sweets and very little starches and I know I will have to pay for those levels, 6.1 A1C is not bad, maybe not ideal but not a problem especially for someone in their 70's. A!C is just a 3 month average of sugar levels and it fluctuates. My A!C has been as high as 9.3 and as low as 5.7 even though I am on medication for control. At 76 years old I would not worry or change a thing but like anybody should, I would moderate intake of starches.

The Original Rooster

Mayor of Spring Hill
I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. I gave up anything that had added sugar. That alone caused me to lose nearly 50 pounds. I still eat fruit and things that contain sugar naturally (like dairy products), I'm just careful to avoid anything with added sugar. It makes a big difference. You're going to have to give up sweets eventually so might as well do it now when it will do you the most good and start using some of the substitutes out there that use artificial sweeteners. If you do it now you can avoid having to go on medication.


Billy’s Security Guard.
Nobody has mentioned this, but the easiest way to cut sugar intake is to NEVER drink it.


I was "borderline" and 30 pounds overweight 20 years ago. I went water, black coffee, unsweet tea, Diet Mountain Dew, and cut 1000+ calories and a BUNCH of sugar per day out of my life.

The fat fell off, and my levels went solidly back into normal levels.

And they've stayed that way.

The Original Rooster

Mayor of Spring Hill
Nobody has mentioned this, but the easiest way to cut sugar intake is to NEVER drink it.


I was "borderline" and 30 pounds overweight 20 years ago. I went water, black coffee, unsweet tea, Diet Mountain Dew, and cut 1000+ calories and a BUNCH of sugar per day out of my life.

The fat fell off, and my levels went solidly back into normal levels.

And they've stayed that way.
Yep, when I started looking I found that they sneaked sugar in all sorts of stuff that they shouldn't and liquids is where it's most concentrated.


Useles Billy’s Uncle StepDaddy.
Nobody has mentioned this, but the easiest way to cut sugar intake is to NEVER drink it.


I was "borderline" and 30 pounds overweight 20 years ago. I went water, black coffee, unsweet tea, Diet Mountain Dew, and cut 1000+ calories and a BUNCH of sugar per day out of my life.

The fat fell off, and my levels went solidly back into normal levels.

And they've stayed that way.
I have been battling 'gut' issues for a year or three now and was also deemed prediabetic. I cut all red meat, no liquor, limited my beer intake, limited my sugar intake and most importantly, eliminated fast food and fried foods.

I have had one burger since April only because I was at a company lunch meeting (but also wanted to reward myself). It tasted soooo good! That was in October so if I can make it back to April, a well deserved burger will be on the menu.

The other thing I have done is picked up the Hiking. Several places to hike around me and will take off every chance that I get and go punch in 2-3 miles.

So far, so good!


Senior Member
Yep, I am trying much of the same. Don't eat a lot of red meat, mostly deer, chicken and fish. Have cut out most of my sweets and also have cut out bread, and cut way back on potatoes. I have also started walking every day or riding my tricycle. I have a big tricycle that has 21 gears and I really enjoy riding it. Have not ridden it much of late, but am starting out again.
I also just ordered myself a blood monitoring meter and strips. Kind of pricey at $89 but I really want to stay on top of my blood/sugar situation.
Thank you for your reply, and, good luck to you going forward.